4 iraila, 2017

BC3 mundu mailako 10 goi “climate thing tank” artean, zerrrendatu du ICCG International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG)-k, lau urtez jarraian.

BC3 mundu mailako 10 goi “climate thing tank” artean, zerrrendatu du ICCG International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG)-k, lau urtez jarraian.2016 urteko aktibitateri dagokionez, BC3-k Europa mailako kategorian, hirugarren postua lortu du (“standarised category” delakoan).
28 abuztua, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Finance, energy and the decoupling: an empirical study”

This paper investigates the empirical and theoretical basis of the decoupling between energy throughput and economic growth, with a critical view of the use of the decoupling concept as a policy priority. We provide an analysis of the historical trends of the metabolic pattern of European economies over a period of 18 years focusing on the changes in energy throughput and financial assets.
23 abuztua, 2017

Keynote by Prof.Unai Pascual on values and motivations for biosphere stewardship in the “Resilience Frontiers for Global Sustainability Conference”

Biosphere stewardship is about humans recognizing that they are part of and indeed dependent on the biosphere to maintain their own well-being. When humans recognize that, they are also responsible for the sustainable use and protection of the living systems we depend on. But what kind of knowledge systems, values, management practices, behaviour and governance arrangements could help foster this biosphere stewardship? Ikerbasque Professor Unai Pascual from the Basque Centre for Climate Change offered his views on the issue. He highlighted the benefits of incorporating relational values in ecosystem assessments.
20 abuztua, 2017

“BC3 euskal zentruko zuzendariak aldaketa klimatikoaren inguruko aholkuak emango ditu NBEn”, Diario El Correo

El Correo egunkariak Maria Jose Sanz gainekoargitaratutako berria "BC3 euskal zentruko zuzendariak aldaketa klimatikoaren inguruko aholkuak emango ditu NBEn". Beste lau zientzialari espainiarrekin batera berotegi efektuaren ondorioak batuko ditu txosten pare batean
16 abuztua, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Land markets, Property rights, and Deforestation: Insights from Indonesia”

We examine the emergence of land markets and their effects on forest land appropriation by farm households in Jambi Province, Sumatra, using micro-level data covering land use and land transactions for a period of more than 20 years (1992–2015).

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Klima aldaketari dagokion informazio zehatza dibulgatzeko eta zabaltzeko ikasia

Heziketa zientifikoa eta gizartean kontzientzia

Klima aldaketaren zientzia irakaskuntza eta gizartean kontzientzia sortzea Euskadin

BC3 iniziatibak Kanpo erakundeekin kolaborazioan