1 urtarrila, 2016
Published by BC3Research at 1 urtarrila, 2016
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26 urtarrila, 2016
Published by BC3Research at 26 urtarrila, 2016
In this BC3 Journal article authored by Ane Zubizarreta, we studied the effects of different wood harvesting and utilisation policies on the carbon balance and economic profitability of forestry under the current and changing climate (A1B climate scenario).
25 maiatza, 2016
Published by BC3Research at 25 maiatza, 2016
BC3 just published a new Journal Article, co-authored by Joseph Spadaro. This article describes the methodology for the analysis of environmental damages and presents key results obtained by the external costs of energy (ExternE) projects of the European Commission as well as analogous work in the U.S. The classical air pollutants (PM, NOx, SO2, and O3) due to the combustion of fossil fuels cause significant damage costs.
6 ekaina, 2016
Published by BC3Research Iñaki Arto at 6 ekaina, 2016
A lo largo de la historia se ha prestado una atención especial a la relación entre el uso de la energía y el nivel de desarrollo de una comunidad o país: desde la antropología (e.g. Ley de White) a trabajos basados en la comparación de estadísticas de distintos países.