
24 ekaina, 2024

BC3 wraps up a successful international conference on Big Data and Climate Change

Last week, Bilbao was the centre of attention for more than 200 experts from over 40 countries who gathered for the 8th International Conference on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics. From June 10-14, this significant event, organized by the UN’s Statistics Division (UN DESA) in collaboration with BC3, the Basque Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation, INE, and EUSTAT, focused on using big data to inform climate change and sustainable development policies.
21 ekaina, 2024

BC3ko zuzendariak Zientzia Aholkularitzako Bulego Nazionalaren (ONAC) aurkezpenean parte hartu du

María José Sanz BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoak Aholkularitza Zientifikoko Bulego Nazionalaren (ONAC) aurkezpen ofizialean parte hartu zuen atzo. Espainiako Gobernuko presidente Pedro Sanchez eta Zientzia, Berrikuntza eta Unibertsitate ministro Diana Morant izan ziren Ikerketa Zientifikoen Kontseilu Gorenaren (CSIC) egoitza nagusian, Madrilen.
11 ekaina, 2024

IKERTALENT 2024 – Two PhD Positions

The Basque Centre for Climate Change is a host institution of the Ikertalent 2024 program – Grants for supporting research and technical staff in the scientific-technological and business fields in the agricultural, fisheries and food sectors.
6 ekaina, 2024

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Ester Galende

Dr Ester Galende graduated with a thesis entitled “Our future, our voice. Exploring the role of citizen participation for transformative and just climate policies in the EU” today at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
29 maiatza, 2024

BC3 co-organizes the 8th UN International Conference on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics

BC3, in partnership with the United Nations Statistics Division, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation, the Basque Government, the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) and the Basque Statistics Institute (EUSTAT), will organise the 8th International Conference on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics on the 10-14th of June 2024 in Bilbao, Spain.
27 maiatza, 2024

“Green Jan: elikadura jasangarria” Bilbon eginiko jardunaldiaren arrakasta

Las jornadas “Green Jan: alimentación sostenible”, impulsadas por el Área de Juventud y Deporte del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao en colaboración con BC3, han concluido superando todas las expectativas en cuanto a participación y acogida en el espacio de La Perrera.
7 maiatza, 2024

BC3k Pint of Science 2024 jaialdia babestuko du Bilbon

BC3k berriz ere Pint of Science zientzia-dibulgazioko jaialdia babestuko du. Aurten, maiatzaren 13tik 15era egingo da Bilbon. Zientzialari ospetsuak biltzen dituen ekitaldi honek 24 hitzaldiko programa bat eskainiko du hiriko hainbat tabernatan, egungo zientziaren gai goriei helduz.
20 martxoa, 2024

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Sean Goodwin

Dr Sean Goodwin graduated with a thesis entitled “Bridging boundaries: integrating climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and social justice through urban nature-based solutions ” today at University of Almeria.
19 martxoa, 2024

BC3k bat egin du Ingurumen Hezkuntza bultzatzeko Boost proiektuarekin

Euskadin iraunkortasunaren arloan lan egiten duten erakundeen sarearekin batera, BC3k bat egin du Boost proiektuarekin, euskal gizarte osora ingurumen-hezkuntza bultzatzeko proiektutarekin. Eusko Jaurlaritzako Ingurumen Hezkuntza Sailak sustatutako ekimena da, eta klima-aldaketaren eraginak murrizteko eta erronkei erantzuna ematea du helburu.
28 otsaila, 2024

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Celina Aznárez

Dr Celina Aznárez graduated with a thesis entitled “The role of urban biodiversity in green infrastructure multifunctionality and environmental justice” today at Univ Autónoma Barcelona (ICTA-UAB).