Gizarteari Zuzendua
1 otsaila, 2021
Published by Marta Olazabal Itxaso Ruiz Teresa Gimeno BC3Research at 1 otsaila, 2021
BC3k, otsailaren 11n, Emakume eta Neska zientzialarien Nazioarteko Eguna dela eta, Training Caravan iniziatibaren barnean jardunaldi berezi bat antolatu du.BC3ko ikertzaileek, ekitaldi berezi honetan, aurkeztuko dute klima-aldaketako ikerketa-ikasketa aukera profesionala dela Euskadin, eta errealitate bat emakumeentzat. Haien esperientzia pertsonalez eta profesionalez hitz egingo digute, aurre egiten dieten erronkez, eta klima-aldaketaren ikerketan generoaren integrazioak duen garrantzia erakutsiko digute.BC3 researchers will present, at this special event, that a career in climate change research is a professional option in the Basque Country and a reality for women. They will talk about their personal and professional experiences, the challenges they are facing and will show us the importance of gender mainstreaming in climate change research.
28 iraila, 2020
Published by BC3Research Ibon Galarraga Elisa Sainz de Murieta at 28 iraila, 2020
Ibon Galarraga eta Elisa Sainz de Murieta BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change zentro multidiziplinarreko ikertzaileek Ekonomiaz,aldizkariaren azken ale berezian parte hartu eta argitaratu dute. Edizio horretan klima-aldaketarako egokitzapena jorratzen da hamar artikulutan
11 maiatza, 2020
Published by Maria Jose Sanz BC3Research at 11 maiatza, 2020
María José Sanz BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoak artikulu berezi bat prestatu du EITBrentzat, SARS-CoV-2 sistemaren transmisioa eta gaixotasunak eragin ditzakeen faktoreak laburbilduz
11 maiatza, 2020
Published by Maria Jose Sanz BC3Research at 11 maiatza, 2020
Maria Jose Sanz BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoa EITBk sortu duen Koronabuluen atal berezian parte hartu du. kutsaduraren, klimaren eta koronabirusaren arteko ustezko harremana azaldu dituzte erreportaje berezi batean
7 maiatza, 2020
Published by Mikel González-Eguino BC3Research at 7 maiatza, 2020
Mikel Gonzalez-Eguino, investigador Senior del centro multidisciplinar BC3 -Basque Centre for Climate Change, ha participado en el webinar organizado por donde se ha analizado la salida a la crisis provocada por el COVID-19. Junto al investigador an participado Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera, director de Cambio Climático de Iberdrola; Ana Barreira, directora y fundadora del Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Medio Ambiente (IIDMA) y Asunción Ruiz, directora ejecutiva de SEO/BirdLife.
17 otsaila, 2020
Published by BC3Research at 17 otsaila, 2020
This infographic video has been produced by BC3- Basque Centre for Climate Change to graphically illustrate an introduction TO k.LAB and Integrated Modelling for non-technical audiences. We present the Philosophy embracing the FAIR principles and the Technology behind a cutting edge modelling environment for Knowledge Integration. K.LAB is a web accessible software that uses the meaning of information, its semantics, to integrate knowledge through Artificial Intelligence and builds computational solutions to environmental, policy and sustainability problems. Through this modelling environment, researchers can contribute knowledge from their discipline and seamlessly connect it to the knowledge generated by others through the use of shared semantics. The result is a powerful tool where users can enter their queries and k.LAB is able to select the most appropriate knowledge available building for the first time new knowledge from the integration of the existing one.
13 urtarrila, 2020
Published by BC3Research at 13 urtarrila, 2020
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza Sailak eta BC3-ak elkarlanean “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak gelan” ekimena antolatu izan dute 2010. urtetik. Ekimen hau (11. edizioa aurten) BC3-ren Ikerketa eta Berrikuntza Arduratsua Programaren (RRI ingelesezko siglengaitik) baitan antolatu da.The aim the Training Caravan initiative, underpinned by the Science Education thematic area of BC3´s RRI Science Education, is to provide evidence(science)-based answers to some central questions about climate change, drawing on the best current scientific understanding and at the same time, making science education and careers attractive for young people.
4 abendua, 2019
Published by BC3Research at 4 abendua, 2019
BC3 is an admitted observer organization at Conference of the Parties. Since 2010 BC3 has been playing an active role at COPs with a variety of contributions. UN agencies, admitted observer organizations and those Parties that partner with observers present their work or foster discussions on key issues, often engaging the audience in a Q&A session.BC3 will contribute in COP25 to different events and platform for admitted observer organizations, which have limited speaking opportunities in the formal negotiations, to engage with Parties and other participants for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and exploring actionable options for meeting the climate challenge.
15 azaroa, 2019
Published by BC3Research Elisa Sainz de Murieta Ibon Galarraga Marta Olazabal at 15 azaroa, 2019
Datorren azaroaren 28an Getxon egingo da “Gobernu lokalak, itsasaldeak, itsasoak eta klima-aldaketa” jardunaldia, Getxoko Udala eta Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3 erakundearen batera antolatzen duguna. Bere helburua da ezagutzea eta ezagutzera ematea zer egiten ari garen Euskadin, Zientziatik, bertako Erakunde Publikoetatik edo Garapenetik, itsas eta itsasaldetako ekosistemak babesteko. Horretarako, ahots adituak elkartuko zaizkigu, BC3, AZTI ikerketa-zentroa, Medicus Mundi GKE edo Getxoko udaletik bertatik.
24 iraila, 2019
Published by BC3Research Maria Jose Sanz at 24 iraila, 2019
María José Sanz, directora científica del BC3, ha participado en el webinar “Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de monitoreo, reporte y verificación nacionales hacia compromisos climáticos más ambiciosos” co-organizado por LEDS LAC, y NDC Partnership, el segundo de una serie de seis webinars enfocados en la revisión y el aumento de la ambición de los compromisos climáticos adquiridos. A través de experiencias de países, los posibles vínculos entre el ciclo de las NDCs y la mejora continua de los sistemas nacionales de MRV de emisiones y remociones de gases de efecto invernadero.