17 uztaila, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox: Supporting policy-makers developing adaptive policies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea”

Adaptive management is essential to the practical application of the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA). Despite there are frequent assertions that adaptive management is being used, evidence on its success is still limited. Indeed, it is difficult to bring the different elements of adaptive management together in a robust way and to choose the appropriate tools to do it.
17 uztaila, 2017

“El Iceberg que cambiará el mapamundi” interview given by Prof. Sérgio H. Faría to the newspaper “La Razón”

Entrevista realizada por el medio "La Razón" al investigador de BC3 Sérgio H. Faría (2/07/2017). Ver páginas 16-17.
17 uztaila, 2017

ETB2 (Basque National TV Station) interviewed BC3 researcher, Sergio H. Faría, on the detachment in Antarctica of one of the biggest icebergs in the world

The TV Programme “Klaudio con Adela" (ETB2) conducted this interview with Sérgio H. Faría, senior researcher at BC3 on the detachment in Antarctica of one of the largest icebergs in the world.
5 uztaila, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Towards an indicator system to assess equitable management in protected areas”

Aichi Target 11 (AT11), adopted by 193 Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2010, states that protected areas (PAs) must be equitably managed by 2020. However, significant challenges remain in terms of actual implementation of equitable management in PAs. These challenges include, among others, the lack of a standardized approach to assess and monitor social equity and the difficulty of reducing social equity to a series of metrics. This perspective addresses these challenges and it proposes a minimum set of ten indicators for assessing and monitoring the three dimensions of social equity in protected areas: recognition, procedure and distribution.
30 ekaina, 2017

BC3 promotes the networking between Japan and Europe by means of its BC3-NUT Office

The BC3-NUT Office, that was officially opened at the headquarters of BC3 - Basque Center for Climate Change in Leioa on the 22nd of May, has the mission to coordinate the relations between Europe and Japan within the framework of Japan’s Top Global University (TGU) Project together with the Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT, Japan).

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BC3 iniziatibak Kanpo erakundeekin kolaborazioan