
27 martxoa, 2024

BC3k Transfiere 2024 foroan parte hartu du

BC3k lehen aldiz Transfiere 2024 Foroan parte hartu du, martxoaren 20tik 22ra Malagan ospatu dena. Estatuko Ikerketa Agentziarekin (AEI) lankidetzan eta SOMMa aliantzako kide gisa, BC3k OTEA eta ARIES proiektuak hurbildu dizkie herritarrei, María Moyano eta Stefano Balbi ikertzaileen parte-hartzearekin.
8 martxoa, 2024

BC3 eta Emakumeak Zientzian: Emakumeak ikerketa klimatikoan sustatuz

BC3k hainbat ekitaldi antolatu ditu Emakume eta Neskatoen Nazioarteko Eguna dela eta, STEAM Emakumeak Zientzian emakumeei laguntzeko euskal ekimenarekin elkarlanean. Jardueren helburua ikerlarien zeregina ikusaraztea eta etorkizuneko belaunaldiak ibilbide profesional bera jarraitzera animatzea zen.
26 abendua, 2023

BC3, BCAM eta BCBLk 15 urte ospatu dituzte arrakastaz betetako bi ekitaldirekin

BC3k, BCAMek eta BCBLk arrakasta handiz ospatu zuten 15. urteurrena, bi ekitaldi nabarmenen bidez. Ospakizuna azaroaren 24an hasi zen, Iberdrola Dorrean, Ikerbasquek antolatuta. Ondoren, euskal komunitateari zuzendutako zientzia-azokak ospatu ziren, abenduaren 1ean, Bilboko Azkuna Zentroan, eta abenduaren 15ean, Tabakaleran, Donostian.
28 azaroa, 2023

A successful BC3 workshop marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

As part of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, BC3 hosted a participatory workshop within the centre. The two-hour session, facilitated by a professional social educator, engaged a diverse group of researchers to discuss how to raise awareness and collectively overcome violence against women.
22 azaroa, 2023

Policy brief berria lurraren erabilerari eta NPBri buruzko ikuspegi berri bat proposatu du 2024 ondorengo EBn

En el marco de los debates sobre la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) post-2027 en la Unión Europea (UE), el Instituto de Estudios Europeos de Política (IEEP), en colaboración con varios miembros de la plataforma Think 2030, incluido BC3, presenta “Una visión para el uso de la tierra y la PAC en la UE post-2024”, una propuesta que aborda la necesidad de políticas agrícolas y de uso de la tierra que reflejen los desafíos de la sostenibilidad de forma integrada.
10 azaroa, 2023

BC3 Community Symposium – connecting and learning from one another

The first internal fully staff-organized BC3 Community Symposium, held on November 7-8, 2023 at BC3, brought together the centre’s community of technical, administrative and research staff for two days of engaging workshops and intense dialogues.
11 urria, 2023

‘Greener Fairer Transition’ – the story of a successful participatory research process

Climate policies are too often believed to increase the gap between rich and poor households or reduce the affordability of energy services. However, with the right policy design, greenhouse gas emission targets can lead to both a cleaner, more climate-friendly environment and a fairer society.
20 iraila, 2023

“Leveraging Nature’s Values for Transformative Change: Insights from the IPBES Values Assessment”

There is a need for transformative change to address the nature crisis, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and incorporating diverse values of nature into decision-making processes.
17 abuztua, 2023

Ecosystem services and the “luxury and legacy effects”

Researchers from BC3, ICTA-UAB, Aarhus University, and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) conducted a study in Vitoria Gasteiz City examining how socio-economic factors and historical management practices influence urban biodiversity, vegetation cover, and ecosystem services.
8 ekaina, 2023

Adaptation strategies for climate change impacts on international tuna fisheries

BC3’s Climate Adaptation To Shifting Stocks (CLOCK) project, funded by an ERC Starting Grant, focuses on the profound transformations occurring in the world’s oceans due to climate change, specifically in international tuna fisheries. The project’s goal is to understand and address the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems and the livelihoods of those dependent on them.