
24 uztaila, 2024

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Nerea Bilbao

Dr. Nerea Bilbao graduated today with a thesis entitled “ Climatic and hydrological perspectives on climate change on the Pyrenees: An Integrated Approach” today at UPV/EHU.
23 uztaila, 2024

New BC3 study identifies global areas for sustainable aviation fuel production, showing that perennials are best positioned to mitigate carbon emissions

New BC3-led research reveals detailed CO₂ emission estimates from land use changes for six feedstocks for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production, showing significant global variations driven by yields and land carbon stocks. Combining spatially explicit data, researchers calculate CO₂ emissions from changes in soil and vegetation following crop establishment.
18 uztaila, 2024

New study reveals that within-region differences in energy consumption can persist in the future if there is no targeted policy to reduce income inequality

In a new study published in Environmental Research Letters and led by BC3 and the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI), researchers analyzed the residential energy demand, fuel choices, and related emissions and expenditures across various regions and income deciles under different future scenarios
10 uztaila, 2024

BC3k eta UPV/EHUk Gasteizen antolatutako udako ikastaroak populismoek krisi klimatikoaren aurkako borrokan duten eraginaz aritu da

BC3k, UPV/EHUrekin lankidetzan eta UIK esparruaren barruan, "Krisi klimatikoa Europako mugimendu populista autoritarioen gorakadaren aurrean" udako ikastaroa antolatu zuen joan den uztailaren 1ean Gasteizen.
5 uztaila, 2024

PNIECen helburuak betetzeko bidean al gaude? Ikus ezazu OTEAren infografian

Trantsizio Energetikoaren eta Ekintza Klimatikoaren Behatokiak (OTEA) eta BC3k (Basque Centre for Climate Change) infografia berria kaleratu dute 2021-2030 Energiaren eta Klimaren Plan Nazional Integratuaren (PNIEC) jarraipena egiteko.
4 uztaila, 2024

BC3’s new article analyzes the connection between authoritarian politics and patriarchal power structures in solar energy

The expansion of solar energy in Turkey and India reveals a troubling connection between authoritarian politics and patriarchal power structures. A new article led by BC3 and published in Energy Research & Social Science examines how large-scale solar projects reinforce these dynamics, focusing on the concept of ‘solar masculinities’ in Turkey and India.
25 ekaina, 2024

BC3 researchers analyse the links between the youth climate movement and the EU Green Deal

A new study by BC3 researchers Ester Galende, Julia Neidig, and Laila Vivas, conducted under the Sherpa project Y-IMPACT, analysed the impact of the youth climate movements (led by Fridays for Future) on EU institutions and climate policies between 2018 and 2023.
24 ekaina, 2024

BC3 wraps up a successful international conference on Big Data and Climate Change

Last week, Bilbao was the centre of attention for more than 200 experts from over 40 countries who gathered for the 8th International Conference on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics. From June 10-14, this significant event, organized by the UN’s Statistics Division (UN DESA) in collaboration with BC3, the Basque Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation, INE, and EUSTAT, focused on using big data to inform climate change and sustainable development policies.
21 ekaina, 2024

BC3ko zuzendariak Zientzia Aholkularitzako Bulego Nazionalaren (ONAC) aurkezpenean parte hartu du

María José Sanz BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoak Aholkularitza Zientifikoko Bulego Nazionalaren (ONAC) aurkezpen ofizialean parte hartu zuen atzo. Espainiako Gobernuko presidente Pedro Sanchez eta Zientzia, Berrikuntza eta Unibertsitate ministro Diana Morant izan ziren Ikerketa Zientifikoen Kontseilu Gorenaren (CSIC) egoitza nagusian, Madrilen.
11 ekaina, 2024

IKERTALENT 2024 – Two PhD Positions

The Basque Centre for Climate Change is a host institution of the Ikertalent 2024 program – Grants for supporting research and technical staff in the scientific-technological and business fields in the agricultural, fisheries and food sectors.