Liburuak eta Kapituluak
26 urria, 2020
Published by Marta Olazabal BC3Research at 26 urria, 2020
Cities are projected to hold two-thirds of the world’s population by 2050 under a period of intensifying climate change. Ensuring sustainable, climate-resilient, and equitable cities will require moving beyond incremental adaptation to transformative adaptation. What does transformative adaptation mean for cities, and how can it be achieved, particularly in cities with low adaptive capacity?
28 apirila, 2020
Published by Maria Jose Sanz Mikel González-Eguino BC3Research at 28 apirila, 2020
Funcasek ,BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change lankidetzarekin, Espainiako karbono trantsizio baxuari buruzko liburu berria argitaratu du. "Transición hacia una economía baja en carbono" liburua María José Sanz BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoak eta MIkel González-Eguino. BC3ko ikertzaile seniorrak argitaratu dute.FUNCAS irabazi-asmorik gabeko erakunde pribatua da, CECAk sortu eta finantzatua, kapital sozialean egiten dituen inbertsioen esparruan, Espainiako gizarteari mesede egiten dioten jarduerak gauzatzeko, aurrezkiaren kultura sustatzeko eta aurrezki-kutxek komunitateari eskaintzen dizkioten zerbitzuei buruz sentsibilizatzen laguntzeko. Espainiako karbono gutxiko ekonomiarako trantsizioa
19 iraila, 2019
Published by BC3Research Iñaki Arto Ignacio Cazcarro Anil Markandya at 19 iraila, 2019
Environmental change constitutes a risk to the sustainability of economic activities, within deltas and the wider regions and economies within which they sit. Slow acting environmental change and shocks from extreme events can affect economic activities. Using multiregional input-output tables, extended to include environmental dimensions and combined with Computable General Equilibrium models, flows of economic activities and ecosystem services across supply chains are assessed.
5 abuztua, 2019
Published by BC3Research Unai Pascual at 5 abuztua, 2019
This collection examines the role that foreign aid can play in dealing with the severe global challenge of climate change, one of the most pressing international development issues of the 21st century. Addressing the key threats of rising temperatures, changes in precipitation, coastal erosion and natural disasters, the book considers the implications for policy and future research, particularly in developing countries.
3 apirila, 2019
Published by BC3Research Jorge Curiel Daniel Garcia at 3 apirila, 2019
Climate change-induced tree mortality is occurring worldwide, at increasingly larger scales and with increasing frequency. How climate change-induced tree mortality could affect the ecology and carbon (C) sink capacity of soils remains unknown. This study investigated regional-scale drought-induced tree mortality, based on events that occurred after a very dry year (2012) in the Carpathians mountain range (Romania), which caused mortality in three common conifer species: Scots pine, Black pine, and Silver fir.
27 azaroa, 2018
Published by BC3Research Iñaki Arto Ignacio Cazcarro at 27 azaroa, 2018
The report features a series of indicators to illustrate in detail the relationship between trade and employment for the EU as a whole and for each EU Member State using the new World Input-Output Database (WIOD), 2016 release, as the main data source. This information has been complemented with data on employment by age, skill and gender from other sources such as EUKLEMS. All the indicators relate to the EU exports to the rest of the world so as to reflect the scope of EU trade policymaking.
20 iraila, 2016
Published by BC3Research at 20 iraila, 2016
BC3 launched this new Book. How is the struggle against climate change financed? Climate Finance: Theory and Practice gives an overview of the key debates that have emerged in the field of climate finance, including those concerned with efficiency, equity, justice, and contribution to the public good between developed and developing countries.
1 urtarrila, 2016
Published by BC3Research at 1 urtarrila, 2016
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