11 martxoa, 2019

BC3k Euskadiko Klima Aldaketaren Astean parte hartu du

2019ko martxoaren 1etik 10era, Euskadiko Klima Aldaketaren Astea antolatu da lehenengo aldiz, ASTEKLIMA izenburupean. BC3k bi jardunaldi berezi prestatu ditu klimaren inguruan; klima aldaketak osasunaren esparruan eta Big Data klima aldaketaren aurka egiteko erremintak aztertu ditugu.
4 martxoa, 2019

Technical Assistant for IBERYCA project

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a competitive call for applications to one technician with a biology background. The applicant will develop her/his work in the context of the Spanish funded project IBERYCA (The role of plant-microBiota Interactions in the Resilience and Collapse of Mediterranean holm oAks; CGL2017-84723-P).
15 otsaila, 2019

BC3ko ikerlari den Amaia Albizuari Elhuyar aldizkarian elkarrizketa Itoitz – Nafarroako Kanalaren ureztatze-sistemaren inguruan

Amaia Albizua, BC3ko ikertzailea, Elhuyar aldizkarian elkarrizketatua izan da Itoitz-Nafarroako Kanalaren ureztatze-sistemaren inguruan. Albizuak, "Farmers’ vulnerability to global change in Navarre, Spain: large-scale irrigation as maladaptation", BC3ko Ikerbasque ikertzaile den Unai Pascual eta ICTAko Esteve Corbera ikertzaileekin eginiko elkarlanean, ureztatze sistema zaurgarriagoa dela ondorioztatu zuten.
15 otsaila, 2019

PhD student: Co-designing with stakeholders the integrated assessment of the Paris Agreement

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a competitive call for applications to one PhD contract to develop a doctoral thesis on issues related to energy modelling and climate policy. The applicant will develop their thesis in the context of the PARIS REINFORCE project, a European Commission H2020 research project. PARIS REINFORCE aims to underpin climate policymaking and enhance the science-policy interface, in light of the Paris Agreement and associated challenges.
15 otsaila, 2019

PhD Student: Integrated Assessment Modelling for Low Carbon Transitions in the context of the Paris Agreement

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a competitive call for applications to one PhD contract to develop the doctoral thesis on issues related to energy modelling and climate policy. The applicant will develop the thesis in the context of the PARIS REINFORCE project, a European Commission H2020 research project. PARIS REINFORCE aims to underpin climate policymaking and enhance the science-policy interface, in light of the Paris Agreement and associated challenges.

Hurrengo jardunaldiak

Ez dago datorren ekitaldiak-rik.

Harpidetu gure posta zerrendan

Pribatutasun politika onartzen dut


Klima aldaketari dagokion informazio zehatza dibulgatzeko eta zabaltzeko ikasia

Heziketa zientifikoa eta gizartean kontzientzia

Klima aldaketaren zientzia irakaskuntza eta gizartean kontzientzia sortzea Euskadin

BC3 iniziatibak Kanpo erakundeekin kolaborazioan