
9 martxoa, 2016

BC3 ko Zuzendari Zientifikoa den Prof. Maria José Sanz-ek, Erronkak/Desafios ekimenaren baitan hitzaldi bat eskeiniko du

Jakiunde Zientzia, Arte eta Letren Akademiak antolatutariko Erronkak/Desafios ekimenaren baitan, hurrengo jardunaldia ospatuko da, Martxoak 11an San Telmo Museoan,Zein dira XXI. mendeko ekonomia, gizarte eta ingurumen erronkak?
24 otsaila, 2016

BC3 gained the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award

BC3 endorsed the European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C) principles in November 2013 and in April 2015 was recognized with the "HR Excellence in research" award
24 otsaila, 2016

25 worldwide participants selected to join the 4th edition of the International Spring University on Ecosystem Services Modeling

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) in collaboration with Conservation International and the University of Vermont, organizes the 2016 edition of the International Spring University on Ecosystem Services Modeling.
23 otsaila, 2016

BC3 participates in the 4th Plenary of IPBES

The Science-Policy Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is holding its 4th session of the plenary in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 124 countries are being represented from the five United Nations regions. Ikerbasque Professor Unai Pascual is one of the 25 elected members of the multidisciplinary expert panel (MEP) of IPBES
17 otsaila, 2016

BC3ren agerraldia Eusko Legebiltzarreko Ingurumenaren eta Lurralde Politikaren Batzordean

Zuzenean, 2016-ko Otsailak 17an (11:30), Bc3 ko Ikerbasque Ikerlaria den Prof. Unai Pascual Eusko Legebiltzarrean agerraldia egingo du, Bc3 ren ordezkari gisa.
16 otsaila, 2016

Prof. Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3, addresses a keynote speak at the World Bank Group

The speak entitled "What have we learned from the REDD+ process? A discussion on the critical issues to address climate change post-Paris" is hosted by the Forests and Landscapes Climate Finance Team
1 urtarrila, 2016

Blog honi buruz blog honen bitartez, BC3k sortutako berri eta ekitaldi guztiak eskuragarri eta sare sozialetan partekatzeko prest izango dituzu