1 urtarrila, 2016
Published by BC3Research at 1 urtarrila, 2016
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Info.bc3research.org blog honen bitartez, BC3k sortutako berri eta ekitaldi guztiak eskuragarri eta sare sozialetan partekatzeko prest izango dituzu
4 azaroa, 2016
Published by BC3Research Maria Jose Sanz at 4 azaroa, 2016
From 7-18 November 2016, in Marrakesh, Morocco, the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP) will convene for the first time since it adopted the Paris Agreement in December 2015. In addition to the 22nd session of the COP (COP 22), the 12th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 12), the 45th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 45) and of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 45), as well as the second part of the first session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA 1-2) will take place during the Marrakesh Climate Change Conference.
16 azaroa, 2016
Published by BC3Research Maria Jose Sanz at 16 azaroa, 2016
Prof. María José Sanz, directora del Centro Vasco de Cambio Climático BC3, -parte de la red internacional de centros en cambio climático INCCCETT junto al (CR)2- comentó la relevancia del rol de la ciencia en el apoyo a la toma de decisiones políticas.
21 ekaina, 2017
Published by Maria Jose Sanz BC3Research at 21 ekaina, 2017
The EU is currently drafting laws to implement its 2030 climate target under the Paris Agreement. This includes a particularly contentious issue that EU environment leaders […]