19 azaroa, 2020

INPhINIT. “La Caixa” Doctoral Fellowship Programme

BC3, the Basque Centre for Climate Change, as Maria de Maeztu Unit, is a host organization of INPhINIT and offers up to 10 research projects to be carried out in a multidisciplinary and international research team. The doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT ”la Caixa” is devoted to attracting talented Early-Stage Researchers—of any nationality—who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spanish or Portuguese territory. Sponsored by ”la Caixa” Foundation, it is aimed at supporting the best scientific talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.
9 azaroa, 2020

Klima-aldaketari aurre egiteko munduko hiririk handienak prestatzen ari diren egokitzapena, ezbaian

Mundu osoko hiririk handienek klima-aldaketari aurre egiteko prestatu dituzten plangintzek ez dute emaitza eraginkorrik lortuko epe ertain eta luzean, orain planteatu diren moduan. Hori da Marta Olazabal eta María Ruiz de Gopegui Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) zentroko ikertzaileek argitaratutako ikerlanaren ondorio nagusia.
5 azaroa, 2020

Management Assistant (Compliance Officer)

BC3 is looking for a Compliance Officer to ensure our Centre adheres to legal standards and in-house policies. The candidate will be responsible for enforcing regulations in all aspects and levels of processes as well as provide guidance on compliance matters. The candidate will work at the Administration Department of BC3 under the direct supervision of the Operation Manager with special focus on Procurement and HR processes.
4 azaroa, 2020

Postdoctoral Researcher in Snow Accumulation Modelling

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a competitive call for applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher with a glaciological background. The applicant will develop her/his work in the context of the Spanish funded project iMechPro: Ice Microstructure and Mechanics, and their Implications for the Integrity of Climate Proxies in Ice Cores.
29 urria, 2020

“Pandemien arotik” ihes eginez: adituek krisi okerragoak ikusten dituzte eta arriskua murrizteko aukerak eskaintzen dituzte

Hurrengo jardunaldiak

Ez dago datorren ekitaldiak-rik.

Harpidetu gure posta zerrendan

Pribatutasun politika onartzen dut


Klima aldaketari dagokion informazio zehatza dibulgatzeko eta zabaltzeko ikasia

Heziketa zientifikoa eta gizartean kontzientzia

Klima aldaketaren zientzia irakaskuntza eta gizartean kontzientzia sortzea Euskadin

BC3 iniziatibak Kanpo erakundeekin kolaborazioan