12 abendua, 2015

BC3 Side Event at COP21 “Regions and Climate Change: A major challenge for local communities”

Adaptation policies require a high degree of consensus and reconciliation between the different levels of governance that operate in the same region. In the design and implementation of regional strategies of adaptation, in addition to the "vertical" coordination between different levels of territorial government,...
12 abendua, 2015

Articulo en EFE Verde

Tribuna de Unai Pascual (Ikerbasque, Fundación Vasca para la Ciencia & Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3) y 13 firmas más para #CDO (Creadores de Opinión Verde) en la blogosfera de @efeverde con ocasión de la COP21 de París.
11 abendua, 2015

Prof. Markandyak COP21an “El Mundo” egunkariari eskeinitako elkarrizketa

El Prof. Anil Markandya, Director Científico de BC3 se entrevisto con el medio El Mundo (Sección Ciencia) para ofrecer su visión de la cumbre mundial del clima.
9 abendua, 2015

Dr. Ibon Galarraga (BC3) will contribute to the Side Event organized by IC4E at COP21

The Side-Event is organized under the title of "Adaptation to climate change : levers, barriers and funding at the urban level".Dr. Galarraga will offer the following speak "Revisiting the damages and the adaptation needs of major coastal cities in the world in the light of uncertainties and risks”.
9 abendua, 2015

Prof. Markandya addresses a lecture at COP21

Prof. Markandya #COP21 consider how to unlock more climate finance for developing countries, in particular for adaptation, and what role the Green Climate Fund can play.

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