27 otsaila, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Soil heterotrophic CO 2 emissions from tropical high-elevation ecosystems (Páramos) and their sensitivity to temperature and moisture fluctuations”

Increasing temperatures and changes in the intensity and frequency of precipitations may impact the ability of tropical high-elevation Andean ecosystems (Páramos) to store and retain carbon (C). We, therefore, examined how warming and fluctuations in soil moisture could influence soil CO2 emissions from heterotrophic respiration (RH, the result of microbial respiration), of two Páramos of contrasting climatic regimes within their area of distribution.
27 otsaila, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Orchard and horticulture systems in Spanish Mediterranean coastal areas: Is there a real possibility to contribute to C sequestration?”

Agriculture in the Mediterranean basin is currently contributing to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and in the future is expected to be strongly affected by climate change. Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) via soil organic matter (SOM) improvement is widely regarded as a way to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. Using as a case study the Mediterranean coastal area in Spain, which is regarded as one of the most intensively managed areas in Europe for orchards and horticultural cropping, we analyzed the potential for climate change mitigation of introducing different practices that are expected to increase SOC.
21 otsaila, 2017

Cordis´ (European Commission Community Research and Development Information Service) post on the recently article published by BC3 “Mitigation implications of an ice-free summer in the Arctic Ocean”

Cordis´ (European Commission Community Research and Development Information Service) post on the recently article published by BC3 "Mitigation implications of an ice-free summer in the Arctic Ocean"Reaching global warming targets under ice-free Arctic summers requires zero emissions by 2045 Ice-albedo feedback as a result of sea-ice melting, notably in the Arctic, is known to reinforce global warming. What is less known, however, is the impact of a no-summer ice scenario on the world’s ambition to maintain global warming below 2°C by 2100. A study conducted under the TRANSRISK project paints a rather dark picture, highlighting the need to better understand the impact of rapid climate change in the region.
20 otsaila, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Effects of wind damage on the optimal management of boreal forests under current and changing climatic conditions”

This study presents a new method for considering the risk of wind damage in forest planning and for predicting the amount of damage and its effects on timber production, economic profitability and carbon balance of forestry. The effects of wind damage on the optimal management of boreal forests under current and changing climatic conditions were analyzed by comparing four forest management plans. A reference plan maximized net present value (NPV) with even-flow harvesting constraints.
13 otsaila, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “The value of agent-based modelling for assessing tourism–environment interactions in the Anthropocene”

Tourism is one of the prime manifestations of the ‘great acceleration of humankind’ since the Anthropocene started around 1950. The almost 50-fold increase in international tourism arrivals has substantial implications for environmental sustainability, but these have not yet been fully explored. This paper argues that a full exploration requires the study of tourism as a complex socio-ecological system. Such approach integrates environmental processes and stakeholder behaviour and puts feedbacks in the spotlight.

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