14 apirila, 2020

Berria egunkariak asteburu honetan koronabisurak munduri ekarriko dion aldaketaren inguruan gogoeta egin du. Horretarako jakintza arlo ugariko 30 aditu elkartu ditu aldaketa honek ekarriko duen mundu aldaketaren nondik norakoak izan daitezkeen esagutzeko. Aditu hauen artean BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change-ko zuzendari den María José Sanz aurkitzen da, COVID-19ak krisi klimatikoan izango dituen eraginen inguruan gogoeta egin du.
15 apirila, 2020

Anil Markandya participate in the “The ClimateTech Podcast”

BC3 former director Anil Markandya participate in the The ClimateTech Podcast of UNEP DTU Partnership, a leading international research and advisory institution on energy, climate and sustainable development. In this podcast series, experts and practitioners present their views and insights on specific technologies or sectors, that can help address the climate crisis, and more importantly, how we can speed up its implementation in the developing world. The programme participate Anil Markandya, Former Director of the Basque Centre for Climate Change, Richard Klein, Senior research fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute and  Jessica Troni, Head of the adaptation unit at UN Environment
20 apirila, 2020

Baso helduek aurreikusitakoa baino CO2 gutxiago xurgatzen dute: “Sakonago erabili behar dugu geure burua, isuriak murrizteko”

La Marea aldizkariaren gehigarri den Climaticak BC3ko ekofisiologoa den Teresa Gimeno elkarrizketatu du ikerketaren inguruan. Elkarrizketan zehar, Gimenok ikerketan lortutako emaitzek baso helduak aldaketa klimatikoa arintzeko giltzarri direla baina mugak dituztela adierazi du.
22 apirila, 2020

“The future of cities in the face of twin crises” Marta Olazabal’s opinion article at The Conversation

This time of a global health crisis,  Marta Olazabal, BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Research Fellow and AXA Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellow, and Sarah Colenbrander from World Resources Institute, write an opinion article on climate change and the COVID-19 crisis and how this can be addressed in cities.Olazabal and Colenbrander's article deal with the critical point that this situation cost to cities and the new investment to handle it.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.