16 ekaina, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Conceptualizing Dimensions and Characteristics of Urban Resilience: Insights from a Co-design Process”

Resilience is a multi-faceted concept frequently used across a wide range of disciplines, practices, and sectors. There is a growing recognition of the utility of resilience as a bridging concept that can facilitate inter-and transdisciplinary approaches to tackle complexities inherent in decision making under conditions of risk and uncertainty.
2 uztaila, 2018

Prentsa oharra: BC3ko Marta Olazabalek zuzenduko du munduko itsasertzeko hiri handiak egokitzeko politikak ebaluatuko dituen ikerketa

AXA fundazioak, nazioarteko lehia-prozesuan, BC3ko ikertzaile senior Marta Olazabalen ikerketa-proiektua hautatu du, eta 130.000 euro emango dizkio bi urtean proiektu horri. Proiektuak munduan klima-aldaketara egokitzeko politika publikoek eta hirietan xede horretarako egiten ari diren inbertsioek zenbaterainoko kalitatea eta eraginkortasuna duten ebaluatuko du.
6 azaroa, 2018

11th International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Congress 2018 December 10-11-12 in Barcelona

UIC Barcelona is hosting the 11th edition of the annual conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), organised in cooperation with the Urban Resilience Research Net (URNet) and UN-Habitat.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.