19 martxoa, 2018

BC3 prentsa-oharra: “Ingurumen-zerbitzuengatiko ordainketen” diseinuko hutsuneek zalantzan jarri dute horien eraginkortasuna

BC3n lanean diharduen Unai Pascual Ikerbasqueko ikertzailearen partaidetzaz Nature Sustainability aldizkari ospetsuan argitaratutako lanaren arabera, ingurumen-zerbitzuengatiko ordainketek mundu osoko ingurumena babesteko tresna baliagarria den arren, nahitaezkoa da horren ebaluazioa egitea eta testuinguru kultural eta sozio-ekonomiko bakoitzera egokitzea.
19 martxoa, 2018

BC3 Journal Article: From principles to practice in paying for nature’s services

Payments for Environmental Services (PES) constitute an innovative economic intervention to counteract the global loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. In theory, some appealing features should enable PES to perform well in achieving conservation and welfare goals. In practice, outcomes depend on the interplay between context, design and implementation. Inspecting a new global dataset, we find that some PES design principles pre-identified in the social-science literature as desirable, such as spatial targeting and payment differentiation, are only partially being applied in practice.
26 martxoa, 2018

“Diario Vasco” publica la entrevista del investigador del BC3 Luis María Abadie sobre los riesgos a los que se enfrentarán las ciudades por la subida del nivel del mar.

Luis María Abadie, investigador de BC3, es entrevistado en el Diario Vasco sobre los riesgos del calentamiento global y la subida del nivel del mar.
6 apirila, 2018

International Spring University on Ecosystem Services Modeling

The 2018 event is directed to a new generation of scientists and policy analysts who can effectively use coupled human-environmental models in research, policy and management to address and solve sustainable problems.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.