26 azaroa, 2018

How vulnerable are Transylvanian forests to climate change?

A team formed by researchers from BC3 (Ikerbasque Research ProfessorJorge Curiel Yuste), Transilvania University of Brasov (Ana-Maria Hereş, Alexandru Lucian Curtu, and Ion Catalin Petritan), and the National Research and Development Institute in Forestry "Marin Dracea" - ICAS (Any-Mary Petritan) is trying to understand how vulnerable the Transylvanian forests are to the increasingly longer and more frequent summer droughts associated with climate change. For this, they are studying the physiological and ecological patterns that might explain what makes some tree species to be more resilient to drought, while other species to be so vulnerable to them.
22 azaroa, 2018

“I al cuadrado” irratsaioak Teresa Gimeno ikertzailea elkarrizketatu ekofisiologia begetalaren inguruan

Teresa Gimeno, investigadora Ikerbasque en BC3, visito el pasado martes, día 19 de noviembre, el programa "I al Cuadrado" dedicado a la ecofisiología vegetal. A lo largo de la entrevista, Gimeno a destacado la "importancia de producir nuevos y efectivos modelos que ayuden a predecir cual es el potencial de la vegetación para mitigar el cambio climático."Gimeno trabaja en el ámbito de la ecofisiología vegetal, donde investiga el impacto del CO2 en el clima y en el cambio global, el papel de la vegetación en el ciclo del agua y de la atmósfera.
20 azaroa, 2018

BC3 Article: Identification of conservation and restoration priority areas in the Danube River based on the multi-functionality of river-floodplain systems

Large river-floodplain systems are hotspots of biodiversity and ecosystem services but are also used for multiple human activities, making them one of the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. There is wide evidence that reconnecting river channels with their floodplains is an effective measure to increase their multi-functionality, i.e., ecological integrity, habitats for multiple species and the multiple functions and services of river-floodplain systems, although, the selection of promising sites for restoration projects can be a demanding task.
20 azaroa, 2018

BC3 Article: Cost-effective restoration and conservation planning in Green and Blue Infrastructure designs. A case study on the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean: Andalusia (Spain) – Morocco

Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) is a network designed and planned to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services and to protect biodiversity. Existing GBI designs lacked a systematic method to allocate restoration zones. This study proposes a novel approach for systematically selecting cost-effective areas for restoration on the basis of biodiversity, ecosystem services, and ecosystem condition to give an optimal spatial design of GBI.
20 azaroa, 2018

BC3 Article: Participatory coastal management through elicitation of ecosystem service preferences and modelling driven by “coastal squeeze”

The Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) is part of Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon in Portugal, which is classified as a Special Protection Area under the European Habitats and Birds Directives. This part of the system, corresponding to the confluence of the Vouga River with the lagoon, is very important culturally and socioeconomically for the local communities, taking place several human activities, especially agriculture.

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