3 apirila, 2019

BC3 publication: Cascading effects associated with climate-change-induced conifer mortality in mountain temperate forests result in hot-spots of soil CO2 emissions

Climate change-induced tree mortality is occurring worldwide, at increasingly larger scales and with increasing frequency. How climate change-induced tree mortality could affect the ecology and carbon (C) sink capacity of soils remains unknown. This study investigated regional-scale drought-induced tree mortality, based on events that occurred after a very dry year (2012) in the Carpathians mountain range (Romania), which caused mortality in three common conifer species: Scots pine, Black pine, and Silver fir.
3 apirila, 2019

BC3 publication: Human dependence on natural resources in rapidly urbanising South African regions

Enhancing the governance of social-ecological systems for more equitable and sustainable development is hindered by inadequate knowledge about how different social groups and communities rely on natural resources. We used openly accessible national survey data to develop a metric of overall dependence on natural resources. These data contain information about households' sources of water, energy, building materials and food.
5 apirila, 2019

BC3 publication: Toward a normative land systems science

Science should provide solutions for societal transformations toward sustainability in the face of global environmental change. Land system science, as a systemic science focused on complex socio-ecological interactions around land use and associated trade-offs and synergies, is well placed to contribute to this agenda.
11 ekaina, 2019

New BC3-FAO-PROFOR/WB Infography: Mapping Katowice decisions related to Nationally determined contributions

The materials presented in this product seek to provide information on the Katowice Climate Package, agreed during the Katowice Climate Conference held in 2018. Specifically, it contains information on the decisions related to the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support to facilitate understanding of the Parties’ communication and reporting obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as the process to track progress implementation of NDC commitments. This material seeks to serve as a resource for developing countries for the update, review and communication of NDCs, as well as for the reporting and accounting of their NDC commitments.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.