31 urria, 2023

Euskadin klima-aldaketara egokitzeko irtenbideei buruzko haurrentzako argitalpen berri bat

Hirien Munduko Eguna dela eta, BC3-k (klima aldaketari buruzko ikerketa zentroak), “Ilargiker eta bero-boladak hirian ” ipuina argitaratu du. Euskadiko lehen hezkuntzako ikasleei zuzenduta dago eta klima-aldaketaren gaia lantzeko helburu duen haurrei begirako argitalpenen bildumaren bigarren ipuina da.
5 abendua, 2023

First microstructural analysis of Monte Perdido Glacier indicates impurities could modify the glacier’s movement and hasten its melting

New insights into glacier dynamics: Recent research published in the scientific magazine Annals of Glaciology reveals that impurities within the Monte Perdido Glacier’s ice are reshaping its microstructure, modifying its dynamics and potentially accelerating its degradation. This study is the first to comprehensively analyze the interaction of different elements within the ice of mountain glaciers, offering crucial insights into their behavior in the face of climate change.
15 otsaila, 2024

Nola babestu ahal dugu biodibertsitatea? dibertsitate genetiko globalaren monitorizazioa hobetuz

Animalien eta landareen dibertsitate genetikoa funtsezkoa da klima-aldaketara egokitzeko. Dibertsitate honen egungo monitorizazioa desegokia da eta garrantzi handiko aldaera genetikoen galera ekar lezake
18 martxoa, 2024

New study reveals disparities in urban heat vulnerability and calls for targeted interventions

As global warming intensifies, urban heatwaves have become a major challenge for cities around the globe. New research, zooming in on the Basque Country’s capital city Vitoria-Gasteiz, reveals clear disparities in heat vulnerability, stressing the importance of targeted actions to mitigate environmental injustices linked to heat exposure.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

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