15 apirila, 2019

BC3 colabora con CICERO para evaluar “bonos verdes” de Adif AV

Adif Alta Velocidad ha realizado una nueva emisión de ‘bonos verdes’, por importe de 600 millones de euros, destinados a financiar o refinanciar proyectos que generan beneficios ambientales o climáticos. La duración del bono es de 8 años con un pago de cupón anual del 0,95%. El diferencial frente al Bono del Tesoro español a dicho plazo se ha situado en 28 puntos básicos, reduciendo el margen de la emisión realizada en abril de 2018 en 6 puntos básicos. BC3, en colaboración con CICERO (Center for International Climate Research), ha sido encargado de revisar los "bonos verdes" que siguen los principios de ICMA (International Capital Market Association), donde otorgó a Adif AV la máxima calificacion de los cuatro niveles existentes (Dark Green).
8 maiatza, 2019

Prof. Maria Jose Sanz has participated in the development of the new Methodology Report “2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” as Coordinating Leading Author

The Scientific Director of BC3, Prof. María José Sanz, is currently in Kyoto, Japan, in the IPCC discussion on the last new Methodology Report titled "Refinement of 2019 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories", within which she participates as the coordinator of leading author Agustin Prado, BC3 researcher.
9 maiatza, 2019

Klimagune 2019: Klima-aldaketa hiri egokitzapenean

BC3k Klimagune Workshoparen zortzigarren edizioa ospatzen du. Klima aldaketak hiri egokitzen plangintzetan ekarriko dituen erronkei helduko dio aurtengo edizioak, ekainaren 7an Biakaia Aretoan, Bilbo. PROCESA proiektuaren baitan antolatutako jardunaldia Trantsizio ekologikorako Ministerioko Biodibertsitate Fundazioaren babesa du.
14 ekaina, 2019

BC3 participates in H2020 project to facilitate stakeholder dialogue and integrated assessment modelling with respect to the objectives of the Paris Agreement

The new EU H2020 project Paris Reinforce (Delivering On the Paris Agreement: A Demand-Driven, Integrated Assessment Modelling Approach) has kicked off with its first meeting held in Athens in the beginning of June, 2019. The project has been granted over 6.5 million € funding from the European Commission under the call for supporting the design and assessment of climate policies call of the Horizon 2020 program, with the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) as one of the main partners of this consortium.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.