81 results found for: unai pascual

The Spanish media agency, EFE Verde, publishes the BC3 opinion article “¿Cómo colaborar frente al cambio climático? Empecemos por comunicar” on Climate Change and Public Engagement

The Spanish media agency, EFE Verde, published the opinion article edited by BC3 researchers “¿Cómo colaborar frente al cambio climático? Empecemos por comunicar” that contributes to promote a constructive dialogue to support integration of scientific knowledge, management and social participation in fighting climate change.

Workshop “Assessing the links between Nature’s Contributions to People and a Good Quality of Life”

BC3 organizes an international workshop on
“Assessing the links between Nature’s Contributions to People
and a Good Quality of Life”

BC3 press releases “Paying for nature’s services reveals shortcomings that can hamper their full potential”

La reciente publicación de la prestigiosa revista Nature Sustainability en el que participa el Investigador Ikerbasque en el BC3, Unai Pascual, afirma que, si bien los pagos por servicios ambientales son una herramienta valiosa en todo el mundo para proteger el medio ambiente, es imprescindible su evaluación y adecuación a cada contexto cultural y socio-económico.

BC3 press release: Agricultural intensification is not synonymous with sustained development

In an attempt to address this knowledge gap, Unai Pascual, together with researchers from the United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain and France, set about revising scientific studies with the aim of analysing the impacts of agricultural intensification on human and environmental wellbeing.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.