A new study highlights the urgent need for gender integration in climate policies

A new study recently published in  Energy Research & Social Science  journal underlines the need to integrate a gender perspective in climate policy. This study, led by BC3 researcher Eva Alonso-Epelde, represents the first systematic review of the literature on the topic from a gender perspective, using the PRISMA approach.

“Women, due to cultural norms and their dependence on natural resources, are more vulnerable to adverse climate change impacts. However, there is still a significant gap in research and implementation of gender-sensitive measures”. (Eva Alonso-Epelde, BC3 researcher) 

The gender perspective in climate policy is an evolving area in research, which has only started to generate interest in academia. So far only 29 publications have been identified on this topic and most of them have been published in the last four years. In addition, there is a growing political and social interest that confirms the need to expand knowledge in this area.

Alonso-Epelde also highlights that there are currently no existing ex-ante studies that quantify the extent of the impacts of climate policies from a gender perspective, which is directly related to the lack of methodologies and gender disaggregated data. The researcher also points to the need to include feminist discourse and gender perspectives effectively in the analysis of different gender policies and the importance of diversifying the scope of studies, and to stop contributing to a discourse that re-victimises women in the global south.

“Since the 90s, international organizations have been insisting on the need to introduce a gender perspective in environmental policy. However, even today, the lack of information hinders this task”. (Eva Alonso-Epelde, BC3 researcher) 

The study concludes that the lack of adequate methodologies and sex-disaggregated data restricts the scope of the analysis of the impact of climate policies from a gender perspective. Alonso-Epelde recommends developing new methodologies to develop gender-sensitive quantitative studies and to disaggregate data by gender and other social categories in order to integrate an intersectional approach in future research.

“If science wants to contribute to the generation of useful knowledge to face some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, it is important to broaden knowledge in this area, reconnect with feminist theory and correct the research gaps identified”. (Eva Alonso-Epelde, BC3 researcher) 

Paper details:

Title: Climate action from a gender perspective: A systematic review of the impact of climate policies on inequality

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214629624001026

Doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2024.103511

Authors: E. Alonso-Epelde, X. García-Muros, M. González-Eguino

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