June 14, 2019
Published by BC3Research Mikel González-Eguino Alevgul Sorman Dirk-Jan Van de Ven at June 14, 2019
The new EU H2020 project Paris Reinforce (Delivering On the Paris Agreement: A Demand-Driven, Integrated Assessment Modelling Approach) has kicked off with its first meeting held in Athens in the beginning of June, 2019. The project has been granted over 6.5 million € funding from the European Commission under the call for supporting the design and assessment of climate policies call of the Horizon 2020 program, with the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) as one of the main partners of this consortium.
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March 18, 2019
Published by BC3Research Iñaki Arto at March 18, 2019
The project Deltas, vulnerability and Climate Change; Migration as an Adaptation (DECCMA), has release a new policy brief "Climate change and the economic future of deltas in Africa and Asia". The objective of it is to explore the economics implications of climate change for the three deltas of the DECCMA project and to summarise the finds for the Business as Usual scenario, without climate change, with climate change, and with climate change and adaptation.
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January 29, 2018
Published by BC3Research at January 29, 2018
The Low Carbon Programme (joint research initiative between the Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) offers, within the framework of a collaboration agreement with the BBK Foundation, two grants of 1,500 euros each for the realization of master's theses on "Green Growth in Bizkaia".
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August 15, 2017
Published by BC3Research Unai Pascual at August 15, 2017
BC3´s research project “Nurturing a Shift towards Equitable Valuation of Nature in the Anthropocene (EQUIVAL), one of the 5 winner of PEGASuS, Biodiversity & Natural Assets grant programme
The five projects awarded funding in the first round of the Program for Early-stage Grants Advancing Sustainability Science (PEGASuS) focus on questions critical to human wellbeing – from sustainable farming to the loss of mountain biodiversity.
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December 5, 2016
Published by BC3Research Javier Martínez López at December 5, 2016
AQUACROSS WP7 BC3/IGB Technical Meeting is to be held in Bilbao at BC3 offices next 13 and 14th of December. See the scheduled Open Seminars.
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November 23, 2016
Published by BC3Research Aline Chiabai Anil Markandya Amaia de Ayala at November 23, 2016
The INHERIT project is driven by the quest to find the policies, practices and innovations that are helping to foster healthier and more sustainable lifestyles and behaviours. As part of our research, our literature review led by RIVM brings together existing knowledge of the main environmental stressors and their impact on health across the social gradient in the field of living, moving and consuming
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November 16, 2016
Published by BC3Research Mikel González-Eguino Anil Markandya Jon Sampedro Marc Neumann Iñaki Arto Dirk-Jan Van de Ven at November 16, 2016
BC3 is one of the partners of this Research Projects that seeks to create a novel assessment framework for analysing costs and benefits of transition pathways, where uncertainty is at the heart of policy design rather than accounted for through sensitivity analysis at the end of the analysis.
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June 30, 2016
Published by BC3Research Ferdinando Villa Stefano Balbi at June 30, 2016
ESPA/NERC published an independent evaluation of the five "blue skies" projects they funded in 2012, including the ASSETS project on food security in which BC3 participated.
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January 30, 2016
Published by BC3Research Unai Pascual Maria Jose Sanz Sebastien Foudi Ignacio Palomo at January 30, 2016
En Enero de 2016 ha dado comienzo el Proyecto de investigación ESPERA.El objetivo principal de ESPERA es contribuir al conocimiento del impacto de los PSA (Pagos por Servicios Ambientales o ecosistémicos) sobre la equidad social y sus interrelaciones (trade-offs) con la efectividad ambiental y la eficiencia económica, desde la perspectiva socio-ecológica de los servicios ecosistémicos.
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January 30, 2016
Published by BC3Research Mikel González-Eguino Luis Mª Abadie Iñaki Arto Ignacio Cazcarro Anil Markandya at January 30, 2016
El proyecto de investigación CLIMAECON de BC3, comenzó su actividad investigadora en Enero 2016 y durante dos años contribuirá al avance del conocimiento científico para promover la reducción de emisiones de carbono y favorecer la transición a una economía baja en carbono
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