October 6, 2023

A turn needed in the carbon industry: Offsets should embrace uncertainty

The forest carbon offset market is built on the idea that you can predict exactly how much carbon a project will lock away from the atmosphere. But exact predictions are a scientific impossibility, argues a new policy research paper in Science. Instead, the market should look to other sectors that successfully manage “unknown unknowns”.
September 29, 2023

New project on insurance solutions for climate change adaptation: SOTERIA

On 21-22 September took place in Bilbao, Spain the official kickoff of a new Horizon Europe project called SOTERIA (SOlutions TEsting for Regions through Insurance for Climate Adaptation). The project, which is coordinated by BC3, will contribute to the wider goal of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change of increasing Europe’s resilience and preparedness to face the unavoidable consequences of the climate crisis by filling the gaps in insurance coverage for climate adaptation.
September 28, 2023

Travelling beyond words: Visual language in participatory research in the Mar Menor lagoon

Shared Dialogues is a transdisciplinary project which explores participatory and artistic tools to collectively reflect on how people experience environmental loss and conflicts in relation to the eutrophication of the Mar Menor lagoon.
September 20, 2023

“Leveraging Nature’s Values for Transformative Change: Insights from the IPBES Values Assessment”

There is a need for transformative change to address the nature crisis, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and incorporating diverse values of nature into decision-making processes.
September 15, 2023

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Nicolás González Santacruz

Dr Nicolás González Santacruz graduated with a thesis entitled “Exploring the impact of impurities in the high mountain cryosphere: Effects on the seasonal snowpack (Karakoram Range, Pakistan) and on the glacier ice microstructure (Monte Perdido Glacier, Spain)” today at Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU).
September 6, 2023

Alba Marquez: “Data-driven approach holds significant promise for managing landscapes and preventing wildfires”

Wildfires, while being a crucial factor in landscape transformation and vegetation succession, also pose significant threats to socio-ecological values. Sicily, Italy, has been a witness to the impact of wildfires on its delicate ecosystems.
August 17, 2023

Ecosystem services and the “luxury and legacy effects”

Researchers from BC3, ICTA-UAB, Aarhus University, and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) conducted a study in Vitoria Gasteiz City examining how socio-economic factors and historical management practices influence urban biodiversity, vegetation cover, and ecosystem services.
August 16, 2023

Releasing BC3’s 2022 annual report

Transdisciplinary research integrates knowledge through active collaboration across academic disciplines and with non-academic stakeholders. Being a transdisciplinary researcher implies more than raising awareness through scientific evidence, it is a unique approach to engaging with different ways of knowing the world and generating new knowledge to address societal challenges.
August 9, 2023

A ‘values crisis’ underpins the coupled biodiversity and climate emergency

Humans are taking colossal risks with the future of civilization and everything that lives on Earth, a new study published in the journal Nature shows. Developed by an international science commission engaging more than 40 researchers from across the globe, the scientists deliver the first quantification of safe and just Earth system boundaries on a global and local level for several biophysical processes and systems that regulate the state of the Earth system.
July 31, 2023

BC3’s scientific director María José Sanz is appointed member of the Task Force Bureau on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories of the IPCC

María José Sanz, BC3’s scientific director, has been elected member of the IPCC’s Task Force Bureau on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) for the next assessment cycle. Nominated by the Spanish Government, María José Sanz was elected to form part of the TFI. BC3’s scientific director is the second Spaniard to form part of the IPCC Bureau.