15 ekaina, 2018

BC3 Journal Article: Social-ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification

Land-use intensification in agrarian landscapes is seen as a key strategy to simultaneously feed humanity and use ecosystems sustainably, but the conditions that support positive social-ecological outcomes remain poorly documented. We address this knowledge gap by synthesizing research that analyses how agricultural intensification affects both ecosystem services and human well-being in low- and middle-income countries.
18 ekaina, 2018

La mecánica de caracol, EITB, entrevista a Unai Pacual investigador Ikerbasque en BC3, sobre los efectos de la intensificación agraria

Una nueva investigación de Unai Pascual, Investigador Ikerbasque en el BC3, demuestra que la intensificación de la tierra con fines agrícolas afecta de forma muy diversa tanto al medio ambiente como al bienestar humano en los países en vías de desarrollo.
20 ekaina, 2018

Eñaut Izagirre Estibaritz BC3ko ikertzaileak Roncagli Cordillera Darwin (Tierra del Fuego, Txile) glaziarreko laku berezietarako espedizio zientifikoan parte hartu du

Esta expedición científica ha supuesto el primer trabajo de campo del investigador predoctoral de la UPV-EHU y guest researcher de BC3, Eñaut Izagirre Estibaritz, que se encuentra realizando su proyecto de investigación titulado “Evolución de glaciares y lagos proglaciares en respuesta al cambio climático en el Campo de hielo Cordillera Darwin, Tierra del Fuego, Chile”.
21 ekaina, 2018

BC3 Journal Article: Valuing deaths or years of life lost? Economic benefits of avoided mortality from early heat warning systems

The study aims to explore the main drivers influencing the economic appraisal of heat warning systems by integrating epidemiological modelling and benefit-cost analysis. To shed insights on heat wave mortality valuation, we consider three valuation schemes: (i) a traditional one, where the value of a statistical life (VSL) is applied to both displaced and premature mortality; (ii) an intermediate one, with VSL applied for premature mortality and value of a life year (VOLY) for displaced mortality; and (iii) a conservative one, where both premature and displaced mortality are quantified in terms of loss of life expectancy, and then valued using the VOLY approach. When applying these three schemes to Madrid (Spain), we obtain a benefit-cost ratio varying from 12 to 3700

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.