
13 abendua, 2018

“El cambio climático puede ser una oportunidad para cambiar las cosas” entrevista a María José Sanz en Metode

Investigadora científica de BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change, María José Sanz es entrevistada por Métode de la Universitat de València a raíz de la mesa redonda de "Valencia cambia por el clima", cual tuvo lugar el mes anterior. A lo largo de la entrevista, Sanz trata todos los puntos relacionados con el clima y la sociedad, la ciencia, la educación y la política.
12 abendua, 2018

Los medios se hacen eco de la nueva expedición de Alex Txikon al K2 y el proyecto de BC3 BALELUR

29 de noviembre, Bilbao, el alpinista Alex Txikon presenta nueva expedición al K2 en invierno junto a dos proyectos científicos BALELUR de BC3 y K2-Xtreme Genetics Project. Medios nacionales e internacionales se hacen eco de la noticia y del proyecto de investigación multidiciplinar.
10 abendua, 2018

Full BC3 Side Event video available

BC3 side event video available at COP24 official website. Implementation of climate policies and targets by non-state actors side event was organized the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) in collaboration with the Centre For Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE) of Bocconi University Milan and the Foundation for Gaia.
7 abendua, 2018

Bolsonaro, “Trump Tropikala” Unai Pascualen lehen iritzi artikulua BERRIAn

"Bolsonaro, "Trump Tropikala"" da Unai Pascual BC3ko ikertzailean lehen iritzi artikulua BERRIA egunkarian. Pascual, BERRIArekin hasi duen kolaborazio finkoaren lehen artikulua aurkezten du.Ikertzaileak Amazoniak politikoaren eta gizartearen aldetik jasotzen duen tratuaren inguruan kritika sakona burutzen du. Pascualek, Amazoniaren beharra azpimarratzen du artikuluan zehar klima aldaketari, bizi baldintzei eta gizartearen ongizateari ematen dizkion onurak goraipatuz.
4 abendua, 2018

Elisa Sainz de Murieta ikertzailea Faktoria irratsaioan COP24 goi-bileraren inguruan aritu da

Elisa Sainz de Murieta, BC3ko ikertzailea, Euskadi irratiko Faktoria irratsaioan izan da gaurkoan Katowicen, Polonian, gertatzen ari den COP24 ( Conference of the Parties) Nazio Batuen Klima-aldaketarako Esparru Hitzarmen batian aritzeko. Elkarrizketan zehar, Sainz de Murietak COP24 honen helburua azaldu dizkio entzuleei, hau da, Pariseko Akordioaren funtzionamendua arautuko duen arau-liburua burutzea da, aurten amaitzen baita hori egiteko epea.
30 azaroa, 2018

BC3, Alex Txikonekin eta haren taldearekin K2-rako espedizio berrian

Alex Txikon mendizalearen WinterTopAppel espedizioan izango da BC3. K2ra neguan igo nahi du Txikonek; lortuko balu, hori egiten lehenbizikoa izango litzateke. Munduko mendirik altuenetan bigarrena da K2 (8.611 m), eta eskalatzen zailena; horregatik, eta ezbeharren kopuruari dagokionez ere bigarrena delako, "mendi basatia" deitzen diote.
29 azaroa, 2018

Ibon Galarraga, BC3 research professor takes part at the third edition of Moving for Climate NOW

Ibon Galarraga, BC3 research professor is taking part at the third edition of Moving for Climate NOW, an initiative to create awareness at the international level on the importance of acting now against climate change. It is also the story of a journey: one undertaken by a group of experts, on electric bicycles, to deliver a message on the urgency of uniting to combat climate change to the Climate Summit (COP24), held this year in Katowice, Poland.
28 azaroa, 2018

BC3´s Official Side Event at COP24

BC3 is an admitted observer organization that organizes Side Events at COP. This year, 2018 BC3 will be contributing by organizing its own Side Eventin collaboration with the Centre For Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE) of Bocconi University Milan and the Foundation for Gaia. Since 2010 BC3 has been playing an active role at COPs with a variety of contributions.
27 azaroa, 2018

Economic, environmental and social effects of globalisation

The report features a series of indicators to illustrate in detail the relationship between trade and employment for the EU as a whole and for each EU Member State using the new World Input-Output Database (WIOD), 2016 release, as the main data source. This information has been complemented with data on employment by age, skill and gender from other sources such as EUKLEMS. All the indicators relate to the EU exports to the rest of the world so as to reflect the scope of EU trade policymaking.
26 azaroa, 2018

How vulnerable are Transylvanian forests to climate change?

A team formed by researchers from BC3 (Ikerbasque Research ProfessorJorge Curiel Yuste), Transilvania University of Brasov (Ana-Maria Hereş, Alexandru Lucian Curtu, and Ion Catalin Petritan), and the National Research and Development Institute in Forestry "Marin Dracea" - ICAS (Any-Mary Petritan) is trying to understand how vulnerable the Transylvanian forests are to the increasingly longer and more frequent summer droughts associated with climate change. For this, they are studying the physiological and ecological patterns that might explain what makes some tree species to be more resilient to drought, while other species to be so vulnerable to them.