4 abendua, 2019

BC3 contribute in COP25 to different events and platform as admitted observer organization

BC3 is an admitted observer organization at Conference of the Parties. Since 2010 BC3 has been playing an active role at COPs with a variety of contributions. UN agencies, admitted observer organizations and those Parties that partner with observers present their work or foster discussions on key issues, often engaging the audience in a Q&A session.BC3 will contribute in COP25 to different events and platform for admitted observer organizations, which have limited speaking opportunities in the formal negotiations, to engage with Parties and other participants for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and exploring actionable options for meeting the climate challenge.
28 iraila, 2020

Ekonomiaz: klima-aldaketara egokitzea. Ekonomiatik egindako ekarpenak

Ibon Galarraga eta Elisa Sainz de Murieta BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change zentro multidiziplinarreko ikertzaileek Ekonomiaz,aldizkariaren azken ale berezian parte hartu eta argitaratu dute. Edizio horretan klima-aldaketarako egokitzapena jorratzen da hamar artikulutan
20 azaroa, 2020

Unai Pascual named to 2020 ‘highly cited researchers’ list

Unai Pascual, Ikerbasque Research Professor at BC3 (Basque Centre for Climate Change), has been named to the prestigious Clarivate Analytics list of “Highly Cited Researchers” for 2020. The 2020 list of Highly Cited Researchers, in a new Cross-Field category to identify researchers with substantial influence across several fields during 2009-2019 with production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% in Web of Science, includes researchers ranking in the top 1 percent by citations for field and publication year.
8 azaroa, 2021

Klima-aldaketara egokitzeko anbizioa handituz: ikasitako ikasgaiak eta eskualdeetako gobernuen ekarpenak

Gaur, 2021eko azaroak 8, Regions4-k eta Basque Centre for Climate Chang-ek (BC3), COP26an, argitalpen bat aurkeztu dute 5 urteetan klima-aldaketara egokitzeko planak eta erresilientzia-ekintzak garatu, ezarri eta areagotu dituztela erakusten duena, eskualdeetako praktika eta berrikuntza onenetan oinarrituta.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.