15 apirila, 2019

Scientific Director, María José Sanz, participate at the GFIU Plenary 2019 as co-chair

BC3 Scientific Director, María José Sanz, participate as co-chair, at the GFOI Plenary 2019 held in Maputo, Mozambique, from 8-11 April 2019. The objective of the The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) is an informal partnership to coordinate international support to developing countries on forest monitoring and MRV procedures for REDD+ and related activities. Through collaborative action, GFOI aims to provide a larger and more targeted package of support than any one partner can provide alone.
11 ekaina, 2019

New BC3-FAO-PROFOR/WB Infography: Mapping Katowice decisions related to Nationally determined contributions

The materials presented in this product seek to provide information on the Katowice Climate Package, agreed during the Katowice Climate Conference held in 2018. Specifically, it contains information on the decisions related to the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support to facilitate understanding of the Parties’ communication and reporting obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as the process to track progress implementation of NDC commitments. This material seeks to serve as a resource for developing countries for the update, review and communication of NDCs, as well as for the reporting and accounting of their NDC commitments.
16 iraila, 2019

former cientific director Anil Markandya took part this week at UNCCD COP 14

BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change former cientific director Anil Markandya took part this week at the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP 14). This conference was scherduled to take place from 2-13 September 2019, at the India Expo Center and Mart in New Delhi, India.Part of the side event “Economics of land degradation: Development Alternatives, WOTR & the ELD Initiative” the Distinguished Ikerbasque Professor Markandya gave a presentation about “Economics of Land Degatation: Insights from an evaluation study in Bundelhand by Development Alternatives Group”.
9 urria, 2019

Unai Pascual, BC3ko ikertzailea, IPBESko txosteneko emaitzak aurkeztu ditu Eusko Legebiltzarrean

BC3ko ikertzailea den Unai Pascual, IPBESko, Ekosistemen Zerbitzuei eta Biodibertsitateari Buruzko Gobernu Arteko Plataformako, bioaniztasunaren inguruan egindako txostenaren gako nagusiak aurkeztu ditu. Maiatzaren 29an Parisen aurkeztutako txostenak, gizartean eta komunikabideetan inpaktu handia izan zuen. IPBESen Ebaluazio Orokorreko kudeaketa-batzordeko kide izan da Unai Pascual, eta txostenaren egile nagusietako bat ere bada; estatuko egile nagusi bakarra.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.