16 maiatza, 2017

BC3ko ikerlaria den, Marta Olazabalek, maiatzak 17an Donostian ospatzen den “Lurralde Antolamenduaren Gidalerroak (LAG) berrikusteko jardunaldiak” ekitaldian hitzaldia eskeiniko du.

BC3ko ikerlaria den, Marta Olazabalek, maiatzak 17an Donostian ospatzen den “Lurralde Antolamenduaren Gidalerroak (LAG) berrikusteko jardunaldiak” ekitaldian hitzaldia eskeiniko du. Jardunaldi hauek, Lurralde Antolamenduaren Gidalerroak (LAG) berrikusteko prozesuaren baitan antolatzen dira.Maiatzak 17an, "LAGAK ETA ZU: KLIMA ALDAKETAREN KONTRA MUGITUKO GARA?" saioan, hiriarekin,lurraldearekin eta aurre egin nahi zaien erronkekin lotutako alderdiei buruzko aurkezpen bat egingo dute hizlari jakin batzu,lurralde historiko bakoitzeko eragile sozialei eta erakundeei aurkezteko.
21 ekaina, 2017

“Forest accounting rules put EU’s climate credibility at risk” BC3-ko Zientzia Zuzendaria den Maria Jose Sanz-ek siñatutako eritzi artikulua, behean aipatzen diren beste ingurugiro zientzilariekin batera

The EU is currently drafting laws to implement its 2030 climate target under the Paris Agreement. This includes a particularly contentious issue that EU environment leaders […]
23 abuztua, 2017

Keynote by Prof.Unai Pascual on values and motivations for biosphere stewardship in the “Resilience Frontiers for Global Sustainability Conference”

Biosphere stewardship is about humans recognizing that they are part of and indeed dependent on the biosphere to maintain their own well-being. When humans recognize that, they are also responsible for the sustainable use and protection of the living systems we depend on. But what kind of knowledge systems, values, management practices, behaviour and governance arrangements could help foster this biosphere stewardship? Ikerbasque Professor Unai Pascual from the Basque Centre for Climate Change offered his views on the issue. He highlighted the benefits of incorporating relational values in ecosystem assessments.
28 iraila, 2017

Prof. Maria Jose Sanz and Dr. Agustin del Prado participated in the IPCC “Second Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories”

The Scientific Director of BC3, Prof.Maria Jose Sanz and Dr. Agustin del Prado, Senior researcher at BC3, participated in the IPCC "Second Lead Author Meeting for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories", that tool place in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (25 Sep - 28 Sep 2017).

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.