29 azaroa, 2022

Call to participate in Survey on Urban Climate Adaptation Finance

In collaboration with the EU Covenant of Mayors and Joint Research Centre (JRC), researchers from the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ) have launched a survey on the experiences of EU local governments on funding urban climate adaptation. The survey is part of the NAVIS research project, which is supported by Spain’s La Caixa Foundation and aims to better understand how local authorities fund climate adaptation in light of their climate vulnerability needs.
30 azaroa, 2022

Mendiko artzaintzak, kalitatezko produktuekin batera, onura sozioekologikoak dakarzkio gizarteari

Hori da Ekonomia eta Lehiakortasun Ministerioak finantzatutako eta UPV/EHUk lideratutako ikerketa-proiektu baten ondorioetako bat. BC3ko Agustín del Prado, Elena Galán eta Guillermo Pardo ikertzaileek parte hartu dute, Bartzelonako Unibertsitate Autonomoko (UAB) ikertzaileekin batera.
30 azaroa, 2022

Giza-ongizatean laguntzen duten tokiko ekosistemak kontserbatzeak biodibertsitate, klima eta garapenaren helburu globalak lortzea erraztuko luke

BC3n lan egiten duen Unai Pascual Ikerbasqueko ikertzailea parte hartu duen ikerketa batean, kontserbazioaren ikuspegitik lehentasuna izan beharko luketen lehorreko eta kostaldeko eremuak identifikatu ditu. Ikerketa ospe handiko Nature Ecology & Evolution aldizkarian argitaratu da
16 abendua, 2022

BlueAdapt – New Horizon Europe project to study climate change impacts on coastal pathogens

The impact of climate change on health risks associated with pathogens in our coastal waters is the topic of BlueAdapt, a new €10 million Horizon Europe project. BlueAdapt, with full name “Reducing Climate Based Risks in Blue Environments: Adapting to the climate change impacts on coastal pathogens”, involves 12 institutes from across 10 countries in Europe.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.