80 results found for: unai pascual

Elisa Sainz de Murieta eta Unai Pascual Ahoz Aho saioan izan dira klima aldaketak Euskal Herriko kostaldean izango dituen eraginen inguruan mintzatzen

Klima aldaketak kostaldeetan eragina izango duela jakina da, baina Euskal Herriko kostaldean zer nolako eragina izango duen oraindik ikusteke dago. Horren arira, Elisa Sainz de Murieta eta Unai Pascual ETB1eko Ahoz Aho saion izan dira Euskal Herriko kostaldean agerikoak diren klima aldaketaren sintomaz mintzatzen.

IPS interviews Unai Pascual, one of the co-chairs of Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

IPS Correspondent Tharanga Yakupitiyage interviews Unai Pascual, one of the co-chairs of Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) about the importance of understanding the complex of the degradation of soil and land, is affecting one-third of the Earth’s land surface. The issue already affects 250 million people across the world, and it threatens an additional one billion people who depend on land for their needs.

Natura, mugaz gaindi: nolako eragina izango du Brexitak ingurumenean? – Unai Pascual Ahoz Aho saioan izan da

2016an Erresuma Batuak erabaki bat hartu zuren, Brexitari bai esatea, erabaki politiko bat izan zen, klima aldaketan izango duen eragina kontutan izan gabe. Unai Pascual, Ikerbasque ikerlaria BC3n, Ahoz Ahon izan da Brexit eta ingurumenaren inguruan hitz egiten. Brexitak ingurumenean izan dezakeen eragina aztertu du Unai Pascual ikerlariak. Theresa Mayren proposamenean ez dago ingurugiroari erreferentzia egiten dion helburu zehatzik.Hala ere, Pascualen ustetan Erresuma Batuak Klima Aldaketan ezarritako helburuak beteko dituela uste du.

Unai Pascual, Ikerbasque Professor at BC3, one of the Lead Authors of IPBES “Global Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services“ Assessment Report

Unai Pascual has been a member of the IPBES Global Assessment Management Committee and is one of the lead authors of the report, as the only Spanish lead author. The report is the first global assessment systematically covering the scientific research of the past 50 years and the knowhow of indigenous and local communities based on some 15,000 studies prepared by 145 world-renowned authors of scientific prestige from 50 different countries.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

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