August 6, 2018

EITB, Basque public television and radio, spread the news about Unai Pascual’s, Ikerbasque professor at BC3, nomination as study leader at IPBES

EITB se hace eco del nombramiento de Unai Pascual, profesor de Ikerbasque en BC3, como copresidente del estudio mundial sobre la aportación de la naturaleza al bienestar humano.
August 3, 2018

BC3 Press Release:Unai Pascual will be leading the research due to be conducted by the IPBES to explore nature’s values in human well-being

Unai Pascual (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1973) has recently been appointed co-chair of the IPBES assessment into the values of nature. Promoted by the United Nations Organisation, the IPBES was set up in 2012. Its mission is to offer public policy-making bodies scientific evidence, all kinds of knowledge, working tools and other types of methods designed to improve the situation of nature on the planet, to safeguard natural resources and use them sustainably, because they hold the key to the survival of current and future societies.
July 23, 2018

“It’s happening as spected” Ibon Galarraga, BC3 researcher, Gaur Egun (ETB news)

Azken egunetan izandako uholdeen eta klima aldaketen inguruan aritu da Ibon Galarraga, BC3ko ikertzailea, ETBko Gaur egun eta Teleberrin. Galarragak klima aldaketaren inguruan espero duguna gertatzen ari dela azpimarratu du. Baita, honelako gertakariak geroz eta larriago eta normalekoak izango dira jakinarazi du. Izan ere, geruza bat sortzen ari da gure atmosfera, eta hor sartzen den beroak irteteko geroz eta aukera gutxiago du.
July 23, 2018

Research Assistant – Transition to a Low Carbon Society

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), offers a one-year full-time research assistant position in order to support the assessment of different climate and energy policies in Spain that will be carried out by the Transition to a Low Carbon Society research line in different projects.
July 20, 2018

“Radio Euskadi” interview with Marta Olazabal, researcher fellow at BC3, about adaptation to climate change in coastal environments.

Marta Olazabal, investigadora de BC3, es entrevistada en Radio Euskadi, EITB. En la entrevista Olazabal habla sobre su investigación de la adaptación al cambio climático en los entornos costeros, financiado por AXA Research Fund.

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