October 8, 2018

BC3 Press Release: BC3 International Meeting on Ecosystem Services Modelling

Between 8 and 12 October, the International Spring University (ISU) will be held in Bilbao, the annual international meeting organised by BC3 to explore ecosystem modelling in greater depth. During the five-day event, participants from all over the world will analyse scientific models that will enable them to understand the relationship between human activity and the sustainability of ecosystems.
October 4, 2018

BC3 paper: Towards globally customizable ecosystem service models

Scientists, stakeholders and decision makers face trade-offs between adopting simple or complex approaches when modeling ecosystem services (ES). Complex approaches may be time- and data-intensive, making them more challenging to implement and difficult to scale, but can produce more accurate and locally specific results. In contrast, simple approaches allow for faster assessments but may sacrifice accuracy and credibility. The ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) modeling platform has endeavored to provide a spectrum of simple to complex ES models that are readily accessible to a broad range of users
October 2, 2018

BC3 leads PROCESA project

BC3 lidera el proyecto PROCESA, con el apoyo de la Fundación Biodiversidad, del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, enfocado en la evaluación del progreso y efectividad de las políticas de adaptación en las principales ciudades del Estado.
September 27, 2018

Eñaut Izagirre, BC3 guest researcher, participates in the scientific expedition to Cordillera Pariacaca, Cordillera Central (Perú)

"Eñaut Izagirre, Guest Researcher de BC3, ha sido parte de la exploración científica a la Cordillera Pariacaca Cordillera Central (Perú). Izagirre, junto a sus compañeros, ha analizado la variabilidad climática y como ésta afecta a la evolución de los glaciares y los caudales que allí se generan."
September 26, 2018

Former scientific director of Anil Markandya took part at WRI Restoration Economics & Finance Webinar Series No.2

Most land use (change) decisions are still based on incomplete information about the real welfare effects (costs and benefits) because many so-called externalities (positive and negative) associated with the change in land use and management are neglected. This leads to loss and degradation of ecosystems and their services affecting human well-being. Worldwide more than 25% of the land surface is now more or less degraded (UNCCD Global Land Outlook, 2017), costing between 4 and 20 trillion US$/year in terms of damage, repair or replacement costs (Costanza et al., 2014).

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