September 26, 2018

Journal article: Reconciling global-model estimates and country reporting of anthropogenic forest CO2 sinks

Achieving the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement requires forest-based mitigation. Collective progress towards this goal will be assessed by the Paris Agreement’s Global stocktake. At present, there is a discrepancy of about 4 GtCO2 yr−1 in global anthropogenic net land-use emissions between global models (reflected in IPCC assessment reports) and aggregated national GHG inventories (under the UNFCCC). We show that a substantial part of this discrepancy (about 3.2 GtCO2 yr−1) can be explained by conceptual differences in anthropogenic forest sink estimation, related to the representation of environmental change impacts and the areas considered as managed.
September 12, 2018

BC3 researcher Unai Pascual interviewed at ETB (Basque TV) Ahoz Aho program

Unai Pascual, BC3ko iketzailea eta Ikerbasqueko irakaslea, Ahoz Aho saion izan da. Saioan zehar hainbat gai ezberdin jorratu ditu Ilaski Serranorekin. Horien artean, abuztu honetan jaso duen naturaren baloreen ebaluaziorako IPBES taldeko kopresidente izandapena.
September 11, 2018

“Orduan bai, asmatu nuela sentitu nuen”, Ainhoa Magrach, BC3ko ikertzailea, Elhuyar aldizkarian elkarrizketatu dute

Ainhoa Magrach, BC3ko ikertzailea, Elhuyar aldizkari zientifikoak elkarrizketatu du bere lanaren inguruan. Elkarrizkean zehar, Magrachek ikerketa munduan izan dituen nondik norakoak azaldu ditu.
September 10, 2018

BC3 researcher Marta Olazabal interviewed on “La Galería” radio show of Radio Euskadi about her project with AXA Research fund

La investigadora de BC3 Marta Olazabal ha sido entrevista en el programa “La Galería” de Radio Euskadi. A lo largo de la entrevista Olazabal ha hablado sobre su proyecto de investigación con AXA Research Fund.
September 10, 2018

BC3 researcher Unai Pascual interviewed by Basque radio stations Euskadi Irratia and Radio Euskadi about the research due to be conducted by the IPBES

El profesor de Ikerbasque en BC3 Unai Pasual es entrevistado en Radio Euskadi y Euskadi Irratia a raíz de su nombramiento como líder del estudio en el IPBES, un organismo intergubernamental dependiente de Naciones Unidas.

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