September 7, 2018

“Ondorioei aurre egiteko prest egon behar dugu”, Elisa Sainz de Murietari, BC3ko ikertzaileari, elkarrizketa Elhuyar aldizkariko iraileko alean

Elhuyar Aldizkariak iraileko alean BC3ko ikertzaile den Elisa Sainz de Murieta ikertzailea elkarrizketatu du. Elkarrizketan zehar klima aldaketaren sortzen ari diren ondorio, arazo eta geroari buruz mintzatu da. Baita, Euskal Herrian aurki ditzakegun ondorioak zeintzuk izango diren azaldu dio Elhuyarreko kazetariari ere.
September 3, 2018

The Basque newspaper Gara interviewed the researcher Xaquín García about this work and the Enrique Fuentes Quintana award

Xaquín García-Muros, investigador de BC3, es entrevistado por el periodista Iker Bizkarguena del periódico Gara, sobre su trabajo, su tesis sobre el impacto distributivo de las políticas dedicadas a combatir el cambio climático y su futuro en el prestigioso centro de investigación en el MIT
September 3, 2018

Ignacio Palomo, BC3 researcher, has been chosen as one of the authors invited to participate in a report of International Scientific-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

The Multidisciplinary Expert Panel of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has selected Ignacio Palomo to be Lead Author for Chapter 3 of the Methodological assessment regarding the diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefitsThe assessment of diverse values of nature, which begins this year, will be conducted over the next three years and be presented to the Plenary of IPBES at its 9th session.
August 27, 2018

The Basque newspaper Berria interview the BC3 researcher Elisa Sainz de Murieta about the Climate Change

Berria egunkariak Elisa Sainz de Murieta ikertzailea elkarrizketatu du klima aldaketaren eta Pasierako akordioen inguruan. Sainz de Murietak, konfiantza duela Parisko Akordioan, eta arrakasta iruditzen zaio hainbeste herrialdek sinatu izana, baina, helburuak jartzeaz gain, ekintzak eskatu ditu elkarrizketan.
August 8, 2018

Sérgio H. Faria participate in the EastGRIP Field Season 2018

Sérgo H. Faria is participating in the EastGRIP 2018 field season from 21 July to 11 August 2018. His main task will be to supervise the ice-core line-scan operations. BC3 is the only research institution in the Iberian Peninsula participating directly in this ambitious project. This has been made possible thanks to the close collaboration of BC3 with the Japanese EastGRIP Team, in particular with the Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) and the National Institute for Polar Research (NIPR), in Tokyo.

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