July 10, 2018

Job Offer: Software engineering (Java and Javascript) for ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services) project powered by the k.LAB software stack (2 positions available)

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is looking for candidates who can support its strategic activities related to integrated data science and collaborative, integrated modeling on the semantic web. The selected candidates will contribute to the ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services) project powered by the k.LAB software stack, a semantic web infrastructure that uses artificial intelligence to build computational solutions to environment, policy and sustainability problems.
July 10, 2018

Job Offer: Modeller and remote sensing expert for ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services) project powered by the k.LAB software stack

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is looking for candidates who can support its strategic activities related to integrated data science and collaborative, integrated modeling on the semantic web. The selected candidates will contribute to the ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services) project powered by the k.LAB software stack, a semantic web infrastructure that uses artificial intelligence to build computational solutions to environment, policy and sustainability problems.
July 9, 2018

El Correo and Diario Vasco newspapers repeat the news about the research to assess the adaptation policies of large coastal cities worldwide of Marta Olazabal, BC3 researcher

AXA fundazioak, nazioarteko lehia-prozesuan, BC3ko ikertzaile senior Marta Olazabalen ikerketa-proiektua hautatu du, eta 130.000 euro emango dizkio bi urtean proiektu horri. Hainbat egunkarik zabaldu dute BC3ko Marta Olazabalek zuzenduko duen munduko itsasertzeko hiri handiak egokitzeko politikak ebaluatuko dituen ikerketaren berria
July 5, 2018

The radio show “Vivir para Ver” from Radio Euskadi (EITB) interview BC3 director María José Sanz about climate change and sustainability

El programa Vivir para Ver de EITB entrevista a María José Sanz, Directora del BC3, sobre los impactos del cambio climático en los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible, en el marco del Acuerdo de París.
July 2, 2018

«Ebidentzia zientifikoa mahai gainean jartzea ez da nahikoa politikak aldatzeko» Berria interviewed Ikerbasque BC3 researcher Unai Pascual

Nazioarteko erakundeek darabiltzaten tesien kontra, nekazaritzaren intentsifikazioak ez du zertan lagundu garapenean. Hala ondorioztatu du Pascualek, 'Nature Sustainability' aldizkariak argitaraturiko ikerketan.

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