3 martxoa, 2010

Klimagune Workshop 2010

Klimagune Workshop "Updating Climate Change Research in the Basque Country"March 8, 2010 - Euskalduna Conf. Hall - BilbaoKlimagune Workshop is an informal forum on climate change aimed at all the parties involved in the Basque science and technology network. It is intended to enable them to share knowledge, projects and new scientific advances, to establish synergies and potential frameworks for co-operation between research groups, organisations and institutions working in this field.
1 maiatza, 2011


Workshop 2011: Addressing Climate Change through AdaptationThe second edition of the Klimagune Workshop is to be held on Friday, 6 May, at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao, under the heading: “Addressing Climate Change through Adaptation”. The event will consist of a plenary session and three work sessions that will focus on the Marine & Coastal Environment (‘Kresala’), the Land Environment (‘Garoa’) and the Urban Environment (‘Hiria’).The common denominator underpinning the contributions made to this Workshop is Adapting to Climate Change.The Plenary Session will introduce a Keynote Speaker of considerable international renown, namely, Prof. Klaus Hasselmann, the highly respected German physicist and mathematician, founder of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and author of the fingerprinting method, which allows distinguishing between natural climate variability and the disturbance caused by the increase in greenhouse gases.Prof. Hasselmann will deliver the speech “The challenge of Climatic Change”.Klimagune Workshop is a forum for informal discussion on Climate Change, open to all the agents in the Basque Science and Technology Network. The aim of this initiative is to share knowledge, projects and developments in terms of scientific advancements, based on the creation of synergies and possible frameworks for cooperation between the various research groups, organisations and institutions that address this matter. The first edition was held in May 2010 under the heading, “Klimagune 2010: Updating Climate Change Research in the Basque Country” and was attended by over 100 delegates from the Basque science network.Following the suggestions made by those attending the first edition of the Klimagune Workshop in 2010, a scientific committee has been set up for this year’s Klimagune Workshop 2011 with a view to including those aspects required to imbue this new initiative with a multi-disciplinary and participatory approach.
5 apirila, 2017

Klimagune Workshop 2017 “Klima aldaketa eta parte-hartzea”

Klimagune Workshop 2017 topaketa zientifiko berritzailerako foro izan nahi du eta klima-aldaketarekin lotuta dauden hainbat profil bildu nahi ditu, hala nola, zientzialariak, maila ezberdinetako kudeatzaileak, enpresa pribatuak, komunikazio-arloko profesionalak, ingurumen, gizarte eta garapenarekin lotutako gobernuz kanpoko erakundeak eta herritarrak, orokorrean. BC3k eta Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak elkarlanean antolatutako ekimena da Klimagune Workshop. Ekimen honen helburua da ezagutza, proiektuak eta garapenak partekatzea aurrerapen zientifikoen eta praktikoen mailan, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan zein hortik kanpo alor horretan lanean diharduten ikerketa-talde eta erakundeen arteko sinergiak eta lankidetzarako esparruak sortzea oinarri.
29 maiatza, 2017

Prentsa Oharra (2017-05-29)/ Klimagune Workshop 2017: Klima aldaketa eta parte-hartzea

"KLIMAGUNE 2017k PARTAIDETZA ETA KLIMA ALDAKETAREN AURKAKO EKINTZAK HURBILTZEN DITU"­Klimagune 2017 -klima-aldaketari buruzko bi urtez behingo hitzordua- ekimenaren erronka da diziplina arteko ezagutza berriaren baterako sorkuntza klima-aldaketari buruz eta hura entzuleria ugaritara transmititzea parte hartzeko dinamika berritzaileen bidez.­Bere helburua da lankidetza-esparru iraunkor bat aktibatzea, klima-aldaketaren aurkako ekintzan batera diharduten eragile guztien artean: akademiatik eta erakundeetatik herritarrengaraino.­BC3k (Basque Centre for Climate Change) eta Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak antolatuta, workshop honen 7. edizioak partaidetza sozialeko moduak eta mailak aztertuko ditu klima-aldaketari dagokionez, esparru honetako pentsalari eta lider ospetsuenetako batzuen laguntzarekin.­Eragile guztiek paper aktibo bat hartuko duten ekintza-sareak sortzeko dei honekin, Klimagune 2017k Pariseko Akordioen ekintza-espiritua jasotzen du.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.