23 uztaila, 2018

“Espero duguna gertatzen ari da” Ibon Galarraga, BC3ko ikertzailea ETBko Gaur Egunen

Azken egunetan izandako uholdeen eta klima aldaketen inguruan aritu da Ibon Galarraga, BC3ko ikertzailea, ETBko Gaur egun eta Teleberrin. Galarragak klima aldaketaren inguruan espero duguna gertatzen ari dela azpimarratu du. Baita, honelako gertakariak geroz eta larriago eta normalekoak izango dira jakinarazi du. Izan ere, geruza bat sortzen ari da gure atmosfera, eta hor sartzen den beroak irteteko geroz eta aukera gutxiago du.
4 urria, 2018

Climate Change: Africa gets ready!

Africa is identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as one of the region's most vulnerable to climate variability and climate change due to multiple stresses and low adaptive capacity. Impacts in Africa include increased water stress; reduced agricultural yields and areas suitable for crop agriculture; decreased freshwater fisheries; and impacts of sea level rise. Particularly vulnerable are semi-arid and arid areas of Africa.
10 urria, 2018

BC3 Seminar: “Education as a global tool for adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change”

We will present the role that the education should have as a tool for mitigation and adaptation for Climate Change around the world and the challenges that arise for its effective implementation. We review three different aspects of the problem. The first is the role of education as a tool for adaptation and mitigation and the existing gap between expectations and reality. The second is the problems in the Spanish case related to the official curricula and the lack of good materials at the required scale to create a new generation with awarness and deep knowledge of the problem.
11 urria, 2018

BC3 Seminar: “Long-term Patterns of Continuity and Change in Climate Adaptation: Three Centuries of Droughts in a Municipality of the Barcelona Province (NE Spain)”

Cities, towns, and other densely populated areas are being urged to address the challenges posed by climate change. To design local adaptation plans and policies for cities, the urban and climate agendas are strongly betting on social and technological innovation, but less attention is being devoted to learn from past experience. In this seminar, I argue that historical approaches can help situate adaptation strategies within long-term regimes of environmental governance, illuminating the relation between adaptation to locally-manifested climatic extremes and the historically-changing ways to access and manage the environment.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.