26 iraila, 2016

Regional effects of alternative climate change and management scenarios on timber production, economic profitability, and carbon stocks in Norway spruce forests in Finland

In this news Journal Article of BC3 authored by Ane Zubizarreta, we studied regional effects of alternative climate change and management scenarios on timber production, its economic profitability (net present value (NPV), with 2% interest rate), and carbon stocks over a 90 year simulation period in Norway spruce
6 urria, 2016

Biophysical Characterization of Protected Areas Globally through Optimized Image Segmentation and Classification

BC3 just published its new Journal Article co-authored by Javier Martinez-Lopez. Protected areas (PAs) need to be assessed systematically according to biodiversity values and threats in order to support decision-making processes. For this, PAs can be characterized according to their species, ecosystems and threats, but such information is often difficult to access and usually not comparable across regions.
14 urria, 2016

Modeling the effects of urban expansion on natural capital stocks and ecosystem service flows: A case study in the Puget Sound, Washington, USA

This recent BC3 Journal Article authored by Ferdinando Villa examined the effects of two alternative land use-change development scenarios in the Puget Sound region of Washington State on natural capital stocks and ES flows. Land-use change model outputs served as inputs to five ES models developed using the Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) platform.
17 urria, 2016

BC3 Journal Article “El papel del análisis por componentes principales en la evaluación de redes de control de la calidad del aire”

Nuevo artículo publicado por BC3 del investigador Josué Polanco. El ACP es utilizado en una amplia gama de aplicaciones en el estudio de fenomenos ambientales, desde el analisis de campos meteorol ́ogicos hasta en la evaluacion de redes de control y vigilancia de la calidad del aire (RCVCA). Hoy por hoy, es posible encontrar una buena cantidad de publicaciones en ingles sobre este último tipo de aplicaciones, pero hay una carencia de informacion en castellano.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.