16 apirila, 2024

Azterlan berri batek azpimarratzen du genero-ikuspegia klima-politiketan txertatzeko premia larria dela

Energy Research & Social Science aldizkarian argitaratu berri den ikerketa batek azpimarratzen du genero-ikuspegia txertatu behar dela klima-politiketan. Eva Alonso-Epelde BC3ko ikertzailea buru duen azterlan hau gaiari buruzko literaturaren lehen berrikuspen sistematikoa da, genero-ikuspegitik, PRISMA ikuspegia erabiliz.
18 apirila, 2024

Unlocking climate adaptation by integrating art and science

Recent research published in Nature Communications demonstrates the power of combining art and science to ground adaptation efforts in the realities of local communities. This study is the first to engage urban adaptation practitioners and experts from around the globe to explain what urban climate change adaptation is through art.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

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