8 abuztua, 2018

Sérgio H. Faria participate in the EastGRIP Field Season 2018

Sérgo H. Faria is participating in the EastGRIP 2018 field season from 21 July to 11 August 2018. His main task will be to supervise the ice-core line-scan operations. BC3 is the only research institution in the Iberian Peninsula participating directly in this ambitious project. This has been made possible thanks to the close collaboration of BC3 with the Japanese EastGRIP Team, in particular with the Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) and the National Institute for Polar Research (NIPR), in Tokyo.
2 azaroa, 2018

BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoa den Maria Jose Sanz, “Transformational Change and Paradigm Shift through Integrated Landscapes Approaches to Climate Action” batzarreko adituetariko bat

BC3 scientific director María José Sanz, takes part in the Third Expert Meeting on Transformational Change and Paradigm Shift through Integrated Landscapes Approaches to Climate Action. The Third Expert Meeting is happening in Korea, between the 1st and 2nd of November organized by Green Climate Fund Headquarters.
14 otsaila, 2019

BC3 researchers presented ENABLE.EU at the XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics

BC3 researchers Elena Lopez and Alessandro Silvestri presented their papers of ENABLE.EU at the XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics. Alessandro Silvestri presented the paper “Contributions of car-sharing to low carbon mobility: insights from experts and user’s in-depth interviews”. The study presented the results of the in-depth interviews conducted in Spain with households and experts on carsharing services and their relationship with other transport modes. Elena López presented the paper “Energy decisions in heating consumption: results from fuzzy cognitive mapping”. The study presented the results of three focus groups conducted in Spain, with different populations – citizens, academics and energy experts – in order to test potential differences in households’ heating expenditures.
11 martxoa, 2019

BC3k Euskadiko Klima Aldaketaren Astean parte hartu du

2019ko martxoaren 1etik 10era, Euskadiko Klima Aldaketaren Astea antolatu da lehenengo aldiz, ASTEKLIMA izenburupean. BC3k bi jardunaldi berezi prestatu ditu klimaren inguruan; klima aldaketak osasunaren esparruan eta Big Data klima aldaketaren aurka egiteko erremintak aztertu ditugu.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.