June 25, 2021

Aries Project one of the top 5 most promising AI projects based in Spain

Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) has been mane as one of the top 5 most promising Artificial Intelligence projects based in Spain by the “AI and Spain’s climate change and decarbonisation agenda” report published by Digital Future Society.
June 23, 2021

BC3 forma parte de BBK Kuna 2030 junto a más de 80 entidades, una alianza para alcanzar los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en Bizkaia

Un total de 83 entidades forman parte de BBK KUNA 2030 KIDEAK, una alianza entre organizaciones para alcanzar los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible.
June 21, 2021

Is technical knowledge enough to move adaptation beyond its current impasse? Evidence says that it is not.

In a new collaborative paper led by Marta Olazabal and published in One Earth, the authors argue that historically marginalized and subaltern forms of local knowledge must be considered in combination with technocratic top-down approaches to climate knowledge production.
June 15, 2021

Matrícula abierta: Green Deal: ¿punto de inflexión frente a la crisis climática?

Organizado en el marco de los Cursos de Verano de UIK, este curso de BC3 pretende abrir, de la mano de reconocidos expertos, un espacio de reflexión y debate, para analizar la potente agenda de reformas de carácter verde del Green Deal que a raíz de la crisis del coronavirus se pretende desarrollar en muchos países y regiones de todo mundo
June 10, 2021

Presentation of the Report of the Workshop on Climate Change and Biodiversity co-sponsored by IPBES-IPCC

Today, 10 June, the report of the workshop “Climate Change and Biodiversity” between IPBES and selected IPCC scientists was presented at a public event on Youtube.In this workshop global experts discussed how to jointly address biodiversity, climate crises and their social impacts.En este workshop expertos globales debatieron sobre cómo abordar conjuntamente la biodiversidad, las crisis climáticas y sus impactos sociales.

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