March 13, 2018

BC3 Journal Article: “Restoration and repair of Earth’s damaged ecosystems”

Given that few ecosystems on the Earth have been unaffected by humans, restoring them holds great promise for stemming the biodiversity crisis and ensuring ecosystem services are provided to humanity. Nonetheless, few studies have documented the recovery of ecosystems globally or the rates at which ecosystems recover.
March 13, 2018

The Spanish Association Assembly for the Energy Economics has chosen new governing board. Ibón Galarraga Gallastegi as main president, and Mikel González-Eguino as vice president of participation.

The Spanish Association Assembly for the Economic Energy has chosen as president and vice president of participation BC3s investigating research professor. The new presidential pass to Ibón Galarraga Gallastegi and vice presidential participation to Mikel González-Eguino. The congress in turn, awarded different awards to new investigator generation of BC3, such as, Xaquin García Muros, Jon Sampedro and Dirk-Jan Van de Ven.
March 13, 2018

Los beneficios sobre la salud humana compensan los costes de la aplicación del Acuerdo de París

Investigadores de BC3 (Basque Centre for Climate Change) han liderado este estudio internacional auspiciado por el programa europeo Horizon 2020. • Los resultados de este estudio publicado por The Lancet ofrecen sólidos argumentos a favor del despliegue de las medidas contempladas en los Acuerdos de París. En función de la estrategia utilizada para mitigar el cambio climático, las estimaciones sugieren que los ahorros en salud derivados de la reducción de la contaminación del aire podrían ser entre 1.4 y 2.5 veces mayores que los costos de la mitigación del cambio climático a nivel mundial. • El estudio afirma que las inversiones necesarias para implementar acciones de prevención del cambio climático en países como China e India podrían compensarse a través de los recursos obtenidos por la reducción de costes asociados a la salud.
March 6, 2018

Globally, costs of the Paris Climate Agreement could be outweighed by health savings from reducing air pollution

Researchers from BC3 (Basque Center for Climate Change) have led this international study sponsored by the European Horizon 2020 program.Globally, the costs of implementing the Paris Climate Agreement between 2020-2050 could be outweighed by health savings due to reduced air pollution-related disease and death, according to estimates from a modelling study published in The Lancet Planetary Health journal.
March 5, 2018

BC3 Journal Article: Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study

Although the co-benefits from addressing problems related to both climate change and air pollution have been recognised, there is not much evidence comparing the mitigation costs and economic benefits of air pollution reduction for alternative approaches to meeting greenhouse gas targets. We analysed the extent to which health co-benefits would compensate the mitigation cost of achieving the targets of the Paris climate agreement (2°C and 1·5°C) under different scenarios in which the emissions abatement effort is shared between countries in accordance with three established equity criteria.

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