April 25, 2018

Entrevista a David Moreno investigador de Ikerbasque y BC3, en el programa La mecánica del Caracol (Radio Euskadi), sobre la restauración y recuperación de los ecosistemas terrestres

Un reciente estudio científico liderado por David Moreno, investigador de BC3 e Ikerbasque, ha sido publicado en la revista ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Science)’ sobre la recuperación de los ecosistemas terrestres, a través del resultado del análisis de más de 400 estudios sobre los procesos de recuperación de ecosistemas dañados por la actividad humana.
April 25, 2018

Journal Article “Restoration and repair of Earth’s damaged ecosystems”

Given that few ecosystems on the Earth have been unaffected by humans, restoring them holds great promise for stemming the biodiversity crisis and ensuring ecosystem services are provided to humanity. Nonetheless, few studies have documented the recovery of ecosystems globally or the rates at which ecosystems recover. Even fewer have addressed the added benefit of actively restoring ecosystems versus allowing them to recover without human intervention following the cessation of a disturbance.
April 23, 2018

BC3 researcher Sérgio H. Faria joins the IPCC expert group to prepare the Sixth Evaluation Report

Sérgio H. Faria, Ikerbasque Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3, was selected by the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, to contribute to the Sixth Evaluation Report. In 2022, this will help member countries to assess progress on the Paris Agreements in 2015.
April 18, 2018

“ Plataforma adapteca del CC en España y la revista Agro Digital” publican la elección de Sergio Faria, investigador de BC3, como uno de los 14 miembros nominados por España para participar en el Sexto Informe de Evaluación del IPCC.

Sérgio Faria investigador de BC3, ha sido elegido como uno de los 14 miembros nominados por España, entre 72 expertos previamente nominados, para participar en el Sexto Informe de Evaluación del IPCC.
April 12, 2018

Ikerbasque reasearcher in BC3, Unai Pascual, one of the international experts who approved the IPBES biodiversity report, at a major UN conference for Biodiversity later this year

BC3 investigator, Unai Pascual, takes part in the last approved of the IPBES biodiversity report, at a major UN conference for Biodiversity later this year. After almost three years investigating on the current situation of biodiversity in the world, the last IPBES report was approved last week in Medellin, Colombia by the governments of 129 member nations. The study aims to provide a knowledge base for global action on biodiversity, following examples such as that from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose knowledge is used by policymakers to set carbon emission targets.

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