BC3 Summer School
BC3-UPV/EHU Summer School 2016: “Climate Change Challenges after Paris agreement”
Miramar Palace Paseo Miraconcha, 48,San Sebastian,Gipuzkoa,SpainThe objective of the summer school is to offer an updated and recent view of the ongoing trends in Climate Change research in an annual basis. The BC3 Summer School is organized in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and is a high quality and excellent summer course gathering leading experts in the field and students from top universities and research centres worldwide.
This seventh edition of the Summer School will continue with the multidisciplinary approach and will focus on the Climate Summit results in Paris.
BC3-UPV/EHU Uda Ikastaroa: “Climate Change in an Era of Uncertainty”
Miramar Palace Paseo Miraconcha, 48,San Sebastian,Gipuzkoa,SpainThe objective of the summer school is to offer an updated and recent view of the ongoing trends in Climate Change research in an annual basis. The BC3 Summer School is organized in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country (Fundamentos de Análisis Económico I) and is a high quality and excellent summer course gathering leading experts in the field and students from top universities and research centres worldwide.
BC3-EHU/UPV Summer School: “Climate risk and the future of international climate policy”
Bizkaia Aretoa Conference Hall Avda Abandoibarra, 3,Bilbao,SpainThe general objective of the BC3-UPV/EHU Summer Schools on Climate Change is to deliver every year a multidisciplinary, up-to-date view of the latest trends in climate change research. This ninth edition of the Summer School follows the same multidisciplinary approach, and gives special emphasis on the tendencies in international climate policy three years after the Paris Agreement.
BC3-EHU/UPV Summer School 2019: Transformation, Adaptation and Mitigation for a 1.5 degree Global Warming
BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country,Leioa,Bizkaia,SpainThis year we run the 10th edition of the BC3-UPV/EHU Summer School on Climate Change that started in July 2010, when the international community was in the search of a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol, following a non-binding Copenhagen Accord put forth in 2009. Since then, the Summer School has covered a wide range of topics from an interdisciplinary perspective and has closely followed the international negotiations on climate change. Two years ago, the Summer School focused on the factors behind the paradigm shift in international policymaking, which eventually led to the Paris Agreement. Then, the US government’s decision to back out the agreement led to a “climate of uncertainty” that constituted the main topic discussed in last year’s edition.
Summer School: Resistencia a antibióticos en el medio ambiente: origen de un escenario apocalíptico
BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country,Leioa,Bizkaia,SpainLas infecciones por bacterias multirresistentes son una de las mayores amenazas para la Salud Pública, tanto por el coste en vidas como por el gasto económico derivado. Pero, aunque las consecuencias más dramáticas se observan en el entorno clínico, el problema de la diseminación de resistencias a antibióticos tiene su origen en el medio ambiente, entendiendo como tal entornos agrícolas, ganaderos y urbanos. Esta situación plantea el reto de integrar distintos escenarios, léase, clínico, agro-ganadero y urbano.
¡Ya está abierta la inscripción para el curso en línea sobre inteligencia artificial para la sostenibilidad!
OnlineBasque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), en colaboración con el Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), organiza el curso “AI for the Wellbeing and Sustainability of Societies”.
El programa de aprendizaje, que se celebrará de forma virtual del 9 al 11 de junio de 2021, formará parte de una serie de cursos de verano ofrecidos por la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
Green Deal: ¿punto de inflexión frente a la crisis climática?
Bizkaia Aretoa Conference Hall Avda Abandoibarra, 3,Bilbao,SpainUIKren Uda Ikastaroen esparruan antolatuta, BC3ko ikastaroak, aditu ezagunen eskutik, gogoeta eta eztabaidarako gune bat ireki nahi du, koronabirusaren krisiaren ondorioz mundu osoko herrialde eta eskualde askotan garatu nahi den Green Dealeko izaera berdeko erreformen agenda indartsua aztertzeko.
Testuinguru geopolitikoan eta energetikoan krisi klimatikoaren erantzun berriak
BC3k, UPV/EHUko Uda Ikastaroen Fundazioarekin elkarlanean, 2022an Uda Ikastaroaren XII. edizioa ospatuko du. Edizio honetan, gaur egungo krisi geopolitiko eta energetikoa oinarritzat hartuta, larrialdi klimatikorako erantzun berriak aztertuko dira. Ikastaroan gainera gertaera berriek Europako Batasuneko politika klimatikoa nola birkonfigura dezaketen eta horrek maila globalean izan ditzakeen ondorioak aztertuko ditugu
Klima aldaketari buruzko goi-bilera 2022 (COP27): Aldaketa berririk?
BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country,Leioa,Bizkaia,SpainWebinar honetan goi-bilera honen alderdi nabarmenenak aztertuko dira, hartutako erabakiak, egindako aurrerapenak eta eragile askoren ikuspegitik ebazteke dauden gaiak barne: akademia, sektore publikoa eta sektore pribatua.
BC3ko uda ikastaroa: Krisi klimatikoa Europako mugimendu populista autoritarioen gorakadaren aurrean
BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country,Leioa,Bizkaia,SpainAuthoritarian populist movements are emerging in the global context (e.g. in the US, Russia, India, Brazil, Argentina), and Europe (e.g. in Holland, Finland, France, Hungary). This phenomenon shares several characteristics at an international level, partly derived from the current phase of exhaustion of a globalized economic model, which in turn entails a concatenation of cyclical and structural crises (“poly-crises”) that generate high levels of insecurity and uncertainty in society. At the same time, the rise of populist movements is revealing the weaknesses of the political model of representative democracy.