XEROCHORE: EU Network on Drought

Prof. Anil Markandya participated in the meeting of the FP7 XEROCHORE project on a European Network on Drought, of which he is the coordinator.

Workshop: Scoping Meeting of the 5th IPCC Assessment

Prof. Anil Markandya participated in the meeting to design the outline of the 5th IPCC Report on Climate Change, which will be published in 2014. About 150 scientisits from all over the world were invited to the meeting, which will determine the work to be carried out over the next 5 years.

UNFCCC meeting

Bonn,Germany,16th September,2009

Prof. Anil Markandya participated in the Seventh Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board.

UNFCCC Calendar

Economic valuation of forest ecosystem services: methodology and values

The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, in association with Conservation International, DEFRA, Department of Land Economy of Cambridge University, Department of Economics of University of Ca' Foscari Venice, and European Investment Bank, organized the Eleventh International BIOECON Conference on "Economic Instruments to Enhance the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity". The Conference was held at the Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, in Venice, Italy, on September 21st-22nd, 2009.

The Conference was targeted at researchers, environmental professionals, international organisations and policy makers who were interested in working in the management and conservation of biodiversity. The Conference was focused on identifying the most effective and efficient instruments for biodiversity conservation, such as auctions of biodiversity conservation contracts, payment-for-services contracts, taxes, tradable permits, voluntary mechanisms and straightforward command and control. Special emphasis were given to policy reforms aimed at increasing the commercial rewards for conserving biodiversity, increasing the penalties for biodiversity loss and circulating information on the biodiversity performance requirements of firms.

Low Carbon Regional Development conference

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country,Leioa,Bizkaia,Spain

Prof. Anil Markandya gave a keynote presentation at the International Centre for Water and Environment in Zaragoza, an event held by the Regional Ministry for the Environment of the Government of Aragon together with The Climate Group.

ECETOC TF workshop

Brussels, Belgium, 26th October, 2009

Prof. Anil Markandya gave a presentation at the workshop about the risk assessment for chemicals.

MODEDR workshop

Professor Markandya is to present a joint paper on taxation of carbon.

This Workshop aims to evaluate various models including bottom-up approaches, partial equilibrium and supply side models, applied general equilibrium and macro-econometric model being developed to analyze the effects of environmental regulation in the Czech Republic. Specifically, the effects of so called environmental tax reform will be analysed that is based on higher taxation of emissions of SO2, NOx and particulates. Moreover, the effects of EU ETS and higher energy taxation are discussed. Most of the models have been developed within the MODEDR project, though other modellers are also invited to present their models and approaches so as to draw a wider picture.


The conference included the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 5th Meeting of the Parties (COP/MOP 5) to the Kyoto Protocol.

Prof. Anil Markandya participated in the following events:

9th of December, 2009: formal presentation with the tittle "Climate Investment Index: an enabling environment for clean technology transfer in developing countries", organized by the US Agency for International Development and the World bank.
10th of December, 2009: formal presentation with the tittle "Carbon equity in global efforts to combat climate change", organized by the Government of China.
12th of December, 2009: formal presentation with the tittle "Right to sustainable development: an ethical approach to climate change", organized by TERI.
14th of december, 2009: formal presentation with the tittle "Economic assessment f climate change: critical conceptual issues and case examples", organized by the Danish Technical University.

The Economics of Adaptation to Drought in the Face of Climate Change

Prof. Anil Markandya will participate in the Second International Conference on Drought Management: Economics of Drought and Drought Preparedness in the Mediterranean.

The objectives of the Conference are:

To compile, analyse and assess existing methods and approaches to better estimate the impacts and costs of drought and drought mitigation plans, including direct damages, indirect losses and costs for emergency response and preparedness.
To present case studies of evaluation of drought impacts and costs of drought and drought preparedness.
To establish best practices and map case studies in the Mediterranean and Near East on drought risk management planning and implementation.
Offer recommendations for drought preparedness and policies that show better performance, efficacy and social resilience.

This Conference is the second in a series, the first of which was held in Zaragoza, Spain, on 12-14 June 2008 on the topic "Drought management: Scientific and technological innovations".

Jornadas sobre Cambio Climático: Administración, Ciudadaní­a y Empresa

y 4 de Junio en Vitoria-Gasteiz

El Profesor Anil Markandya participara en la Mesa Redonda “Adaptación al Cambio” en la que también participarán Oscar Santa Coloma, José Manuel Moreno y Francisco Olearraga en el evento realizado por el Ayuntamiento de Vitoria, el Departamento de Medio Ambiente y el Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE).

Las Jornadas contaran con la participación de representantes políticos, científicos, técnicos, mundo empresarial y las principales organizaciones ecologistas. Los objetivos principales del evento son:

• Movilizar y motivar a otras ciudades españolas a sumarse a la iniciativa europea del Pacto de los Alcaldes, difundiendo el compromiso adquirido por Vitoria-Gasteiz y otros ciudades como Santander y Barcelona.
• Generar un espacio en el que los responsables políticos del Gobierno Vasco puedan explicar y comunicar las principales líneas de trabajo de las políticas convergentes de energía y cambio climático.
• Poner de manifiesto la necesidad de la acción conjunta y coordinada de instituciones, empresas, organizaciones sociales y agentes científico-tecnológicos para lograr objetivos ambiciosos de mitigación y adaptación
• Implicar y sumar a la sociedad civil organizada, a las empresas, a las ONG, a las asociaciones de vecinos de los barrios y a concejales, y a los directores y técnicos municipales sobre el cambio climático y el papel que deben desempeñar las ciudades para contribuir a la solución del problema.