BC3 Seminar: Accounting for multi-model ensemble dependence and the Ensemble Dependence Transformation: an application to climate projection.

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

We introduce the “replicate Earth” ensemble interpretation framework, based on theoretically derived statistical relationships between ensembles of perfect models (replicate Earths) and observations. We transform an ensemble of (imperfect) climate projections into an ensemble whose mean and variance have the same statistical relationship to observations as an ensemble of replicate Earths. We use a ‘perfect model’ approach to test whether this Ensemble Dependence Transformation (EDT) approach can improve 21st century CMIP projections.

XVII EcoFlor

Bizkaia Aretoa Conference Hall Avda Abandoibarra, 3, Bilbao, Spain

It is our pleasure from BC3 and the University of the Basque Country to invite you to the 17thAnnual Meeting of the Spanish Group of Floral Ecology (Ecoflor2020).
This year we are happy to host the meeting in the beautiful city of Bilbaofrom Thursday March 5 to Saturday March 7 2020. The venue will be located in the Bizkaia Aretoa building (https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/bizkaia-aretoa) which has been kindly provided by the University.

BC3 Seminar: Accelerating America’s Pledge: Going All-In to Build a Prosperous, Low-Carbon Economy for the United States

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

A globally sufficient response to climate change will require new models of organization, coalition building, and implementation in which rapid decarbonization at the national level will be rooted in actions initiated by a diverse range of actors. The United States provides a window into how the diversification of climate action across actors can drive changes in emissions.


Online event

Uhinak, Klima aldaketa eta Itsasertzari buruzko mugazgaindiko Kongresuaren IV. edizioa 2020ko azaroaren 4 eta 5ean ospatuko da.Kongresu hau Ficoba Fundazioak eta Aztik antolatzen dute


International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM)

The formulation of standardized climate adaptation metrics is one of the great trans-disciplinary challenges of our time. Join the International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM) for its Membership Opening on November 5: IPAM Webinar

La transición cultural para la recuperación sostenible

El Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia impulsado por el Gobierno de España a través de los fondos Next Generation va a dirigirse, principalmente, a proyectos de innovación e infraestructura. Sin embargo, la creación de una Europa neutra en carbono exige ir más allá y acompañar esta transición tecnológica de acciones dirigidas a propiciar los cambios culturales de hábitos y prácticas sociales. Es decir, de una transición cultural.

Beyond land-use emission reduction targets – how to take stock of climate ambition and sustainability in the land use sector?

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

A webinar organized by IDDRI, within the framework of the Climate Week NYC that takes place on September 20-26.

The Climate Week NYC returns for 2021 with a focus on fulfilling and increasing commitments made by businesses, governments, and organizations. It is the time and place where the world gathers to showcase leading climate action and discuss how to do more, fast.

BC3 Seminar: Why is maladaptation such an important concept?


For the last two decades we have been spinning around the same problem with maladaptation – we know what it is, but we rarely know when it is happening in real time. Most examples of maladaptation are only detected after the fact when it is too late to prevent them from doing damage. Still we are fascinated by this concept. This talk addresses maladaptation and its various understandings, and discusses why it matters so much.

BC3 mintegia: Generoaren eta aniztasunaren ikuspegia erakundean

BC3ko berdintasun-komisioak bultzatuta eta Visiting Program ekimenari lotuta “Genero-ikuspegia eta aniztasuna erakundean” mintegiaren helburua gure errealitate zientifikoaren ikuspegi bidezkoagoa, anitzagoa eta integratzaileagoa eraikitzea, eta gure garapen pertsonal eta profesionalerako emaitza eraldatzaileak lortzea da .