November 28, 2018

BC3´s Official Side Event at COP24

BC3 is an admitted observer organization that organizes Side Events at COP. This year, 2018 BC3 will be contributing by organizing its own Side Eventin collaboration with the Centre For Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE) of Bocconi University Milan and the Foundation for Gaia. Since 2010 BC3 has been playing an active role at COPs with a variety of contributions.
November 29, 2018

Ibon Galarraga, BC3 research professor takes part at the third edition of Moving for Climate NOW

Ibon Galarraga, BC3 research professor is taking part at the third edition of Moving for Climate NOW, an initiative to create awareness at the international level on the importance of acting now against climate change. It is also the story of a journey: one undertaken by a group of experts, on electric bicycles, to deliver a message on the urgency of uniting to combat climate change to the Climate Summit (COP24), held this year in Katowice, Poland.
November 30, 2018

BC3 acompañará a Alex Txikon y su equipo en la nueva expedición al K2

BC3 participará en la expedición WinterTopAppel del montañero Alex Txikon, quien pretende escalar la cima del K2 en invierno, y convertirse así en la primera persona que lo logra. El K2 (8.611m) es la segunda montaña más alta de la tierra y la más difícil de escalar, por ello, y por ser la segunda en porcentaje de fatalidades es conocida como “la Montaña Salvaje”.
December 4, 2018

Elisa Sainz de Murieta ikertzailea Faktoria irratsaioan COP24 goi-bileraren inguruan aritu da

Elisa Sainz de Murieta, BC3ko ikertzailea, Euskadi irratiko Faktoria irratsaioan izan da gaurkoan Katowicen, Polonian, gertatzen ari den COP24 ( Conference of the Parties) Nazio Batuen Klima-aldaketarako Esparru Hitzarmen batian aritzeko. Elkarrizketan zehar, Sainz de Murietak COP24 honen helburua azaldu dizkio entzuleei, hau da, Pariseko Akordioaren funtzionamendua arautuko duen arau-liburua burutzea da, aurten amaitzen baita hori egiteko epea.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.