January 13, 2018

Interview of EFE to the researcher of BC3, Mikel Gónzalez-Eguino on Decarbonization Strategy

Mikel Gónzalez-Eguino, responsible for decarbonisation at the Basque Climate Change Center (BC3), explains to Efe the relationship between the decarbonisation strategy and the emissions target.
January 12, 2018

The BC3 researcher, Ignacio Palomo, publishes in Nature the Correspondence Letter “Test climate targets using fragile ecosystems”

The Basque Center for Climate Change´s (BC3) researcher, Ignacio Palomo, just published in the prestigious Scientific Journal, Nature, a correspondence under the title of "Test climate targets using fragile ecosystems".
October 11, 2017

Prof. Markandya one of International Adaptation experts authoring the UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2017

UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report series focuses on Finance, Technology and Knowledge gaps in climate change adaptation. It compliments the Emissions Gap Report series, and explores the implications of failing to close the emissions gap.The report builds on a 2014 assessment by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which laid out the concept of ‘adaptation gaps’ and outlined three such gaps: technology, finance and knowledge.
September 29, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Carbon risk and optimal retrofitting in cement plants: An application of stochastic modelling, MonteCarlo simulation and Real Options Analysis”

The cement sector is highly intensive in CO2 emissions and is the second biggest industrial sector in terms of emissions after the electricity generation sector. It emits CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels, the calcination process and, indirectly, from electricity consumption. The ambitious climate change policy in the EU means that carbon prices and fuel prices are two very important sources of uncertainty that may affect the competitiveness of the sector. This paper focuses on understanding the risk associated with the future price of European Union Emission Trading System allowances.
September 28, 2017

Research by BC3 researchers, Iñaki Arto and Anil Markandya, mentioned in Juncker’s State of the Union address of 13 Sep 2017 “Every additional €1 billion in exports supports 14,000 extra jobs in Europe”

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, in his State of the Union of 13 September 2017, has referred for the second consecutive year to the report “EU Exports to the World: Effects on Employment and Income” authored by BC3 researchers, Dr. Iñaki Arto and Prof. Anil Markandya.

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