Dr Marcela Brugnach will give a lecture at BC3 on her research

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

Marcela Brugnach PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Water Engineering and Management group in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Twente. She has completed doctoral studies in both Bioresource Engineering and Forest Ecology from Oregon State University (USA, 2003), and a masters degree in Computer Science from Universidad Nacional del Centro (Argentina, 1991). After completing her doctoral education, she became a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Davis (USA, 2003-2005), and, later on, a research associate in the Institute for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Osnabrück (Germany, 2005-2009).

BC3 Lunch Seminar: Heat waves and impacts in the urban systems

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

Urban systems are not only major drivers of climate change, but also impact hotspots. The processes of global warming and urban population growth make our urban agglomerations vulnerable to chain reactions triggered by climate related hazards. Hence, the reliable and cost-effective assessment of future climate impact is of high importance. Two major approaches emerge from the literature: i) detailed spatially explicit assessments, and ii) more holistic approaches consistently assessing multiple cities.

BC3 Lunch Seminar: How do trees “handwrite” and manage to communicate with us?

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

Handwriting is a human attributed characteristic, being widely accepted that the oldest writing dates around 3400 BC. But actually trees “invented handwriting” first … about 390 million years ago when conifer trees appeared, and they have been writing ever since. Each year trees form new wood cells that arrange in concentric circles forming what we call annual tree-rings, which is their way of “handwriting” and communicate with us. It was in the early 1900s when the astronomer Andrew E. Douglass managed to cipher tree-rings “handwriting”.

BC3 Seminar: Changing cities in a changing climate

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

• In this lecture, I will examine my own role, as a researcher, in advancing a progressive agenda that responds to an urgent climate change challenge. I will explore the tensions between experimental forms of action-research, policy-oriented research, and curiosity-led research and the way in which these different forms of thinking have shaped my research agenda as I have attempted to respond to what I believe is the most important challenge of our times: enabling life in a climate changed future.”

BC3 Seminar: Essential Resources, Social Dilemmas and the Evolution of Cooperation: Paths Towards a Just and Sustainable Future

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

The past two centuries of market-driven economic growth has witnessed dramatic increases in human life spans and well-being but also the emergence of unprecedented ecological and social problems, ranging from global warming to growing inequality. The most serious of these challenges affect essential resources such as food, energy, water and ecosystem services.

BC3 Seminar: Leverage Points for the sustainable management of nature’s contributions to people

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

I will introduce the framework of leverage points, i.e. places to intervene in a complex system that bring transformative change, to identify interventions that can promote sustainable management of nature’s contributions to people. I will specifically focus on the so called deep leverage points, which have exceptional potential to yield truly transformative change towards sustainability.

BC3 Seminar: Ecosystem Services, Climate Change, and the Environmentalists’ Paradox

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

The latest IPBES report warns us of ongoing biodiversity collapse. The Ecosystem Services framework suggests that this will seriously affect human well-being. But policy-makers do not seem to respond with any great alacrity to these warnings. Some skeptics even point to rising human well-being as an indication that the claims linking nature and well-being are exaggerated.

BC3-EHU/UPV Summer School 2019: Transformation, Adaptation and Mitigation for a 1.5 degree Global Warming

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

This year we run the 10th edition of the BC3-UPV/EHU Summer School on Climate Change that started in July 2010, when the international community was in the search of a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol, following a non-binding Copenhagen Accord put forth in 2009. Since then, the Summer School has covered a wide range of topics from an interdisciplinary perspective and has closely followed the international negotiations on climate change. Two years ago, the Summer School focused on the factors behind the paradigm shift in international policymaking, which eventually led to the Paris Agreement. Then, the US government’s decision to back out the agreement led to a “climate of uncertainty” that constituted the main topic discussed in last year’s edition.



Emergencia climática: ¿qué puedo hacer? | Larrialdi Klimatikoa: Zer egin dezaket?

Mikel Laboa Plaza UPV/EHU Bizkaiko Campusa, Leioa, Bizkaia

BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change: Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, crea una iniciativa para informar a los estudiantes de la UPV/EHU sobre el cambio climático y cuáles son sus consecuencias | BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change: Klima Aldaketa Ikergai zentroak ekimen berria jarri du martxan UPV/EHUko ikasleak klima aldaketaz eta honen ondorioen berri emateko.

BC3 Seminar: Which fossil fuel prices promote innovation in electricity generation? Evidence before and after the shale gas revolution

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain

We evaluate the heterogeneous roles of fossil fuel prices on fossil fuel and renewable energy innovation in the electricity sector. Our analysis of a global firm-level electricity patent database from 1963 to 2016 suggests the relative impact of coal and natural gas prices on renewable innovation varies before and after the early 2000s’ shale gas revolution. Specifically, an increase in the coal-natural gas price ratio reduces renewable energy innovation before 2002, while increasing it after 2002. Therefore, policymakers must consider the coal-to-gas switch to effectively shift electricity-generating innovation away from carbon-intense technologies